I'm using Integrate
to evaluate an integral with known result:
$$\int_0^\pi \frac{\cos(n \theta)-\cos(n \theta_0)}{\cos(\theta)-\cos(\theta_0)} d\theta = \frac{\pi\sin(n \theta_0)}{\sin(\theta_0)},$$
and the code is as follows
int = Assuming[n \[Element] Integers && 0 < t0 < \[Pi] && n > 0,
Integrate[(Cos[n t] - Cos[n t0])/(
Cos[t] - Cos[t0]), {t, 0, \[Pi]}]]
(*-(1/2) I \[Pi] Csc[
t0] (2 (Cos[n t0] + (-1)^n Cos[2 n ArcSin[Cos[t0/2]]]) -
I Sqrt[2 \[Pi]] Sqrt[1 - Cos[t0]]
MeijerG[{{1/2}, {1/2 - n, 1/2 + n}}, {{1/2, 1/2}, {0}},
Strangely, it returns a result with an imaginary part. I checked the result with numerical methods, and the result suggests that the real part of the above result is the right result of the integral.
rule = {n -> 3, t0 -> \[Pi]/7};
int /. rule // N
NIntegrate[(Cos[n t] - Cos[n t0])/(Cos[t] - Cos[t0]) /. rule //
Evaluate, {t, 0, \[Pi]}]
\[Pi] Sin[n t0]/Sin[t0] /. rule // N
(*7.05909 - 3.22238 I*)
My problem is: what's wrong with it? How to fix it?
My mathematica $Version
is "14.0.0 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (December 1, 2023)"
With the answer from @Nasser, I found a potential cause. Using
integrand = (Cos[n t] - Cos[n t0])/(Cos[t] - Cos[t0])
assume = n ∈ Integers && 0 < t0 < π && n > 0;
integrand2 = TrigExpand[integrand]
to split the integral into two parts.
Both of the parts do not converge, they can be only evaluated in the scene of PrincipalValue -> True
Here we focus on the second part.
Using the following code
int1 = Integrate[integrand2[[2]], {t, 0, \[Pi]},
Assumptions -> assume, PrincipalValue -> True]
int2 = Integrate[integrand2[[2]], {t, 0, \[Pi]},
GenerateConditions -> False, PrincipalValue -> True]
Assuming[assume, int1 - int2 // Simplify]
(*-I \[Pi] Cos[n t0] Csc[t0]*)
(*Cos[n t0] Csc[t0] (Log[-Cot[t0/2]] - Log[Cot[t0/2]])*)
(*-2 I \[Pi] Cos[n t0] Csc[t0]*)
we can see that the principal values of the integral with different assumptions are different.
We expect it to give the result int2
in my assumption, but it gives int1
. Maybe it is a bug?
Table[Integrate[(Cos[n t] - Cos[n t0])/(Cos[t] - Cos[t0]), {t, 0, \[Pi]}, Assumptions -> 0 < t0 < \[Pi], GenerateConditions -> False], {n, 1, 10}]
performs{\[Pi],2 \[Pi] Cos[t0],\[Pi]+2 \[Pi] Cos[2 t0],\[Pi] Csc[t0] Sin[4 t0],\[Pi] Csc[t0] Sin[5 t0],\[Pi] Csc[t0] Sin[6 t0],\[Pi] Csc[t0] Sin[7 t0],\[Pi] Csc[t0] Sin[8 t0],\[Pi] Csc[t0] Sin[9 t0],\[Pi] Csc[t0] Sin[10 t0]}
. $\endgroup$