We have the function $\gamma(u,v)$ defined implicitly as the solution of
\begin{align} \sin\gamma(u,v)=g\left(u-v\cos\gamma(u,v) \right), \end{align}
being $g$ a given function. I can solve for $\gamma$ using NSolve
or FindRoot
, as for instance
gt[x_] := x^4;
num\[Gamma][(u_)?NumberQ, (v_)?NumberQ] := \[Gamma] /. FindRoot[{gt[u - v*Cos[\[Gamma]]] == Sin[\[Gamma]]}, {\[Gamma], 0.5, 0, Pi}]
Plot3D[{0, num\[Gamma][u, v]}, {u, 0, 1}, {v, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> Automatic]
however when I want to take derivatives of this $\gamma$ for plotting and further manipulating, simple D
does not work. What would be a better approach ? Also, for the case where $g$ is an interpolation function.
We would like to not only take derivatives of $\gamma$ but also integrating and further manipulating, so instead of simply using ImplicitD
what I am looking for is to get it as an interpolation function or the like.
? $\endgroup$