I want to solve a differential equation of second order with complex initial conditions. Despite I have wrote all the code with detail, I am still facing some problems I might want to review here. The code is as follows:
ode1 = x''[t] + 3 x'[t] Sqrt[(x'[t])^2/6 + (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2/4] + Sqrt[3/2] Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]] (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]]) == 0
ode1IC = {x'[0] == -0.008226306418212731, x[0] == 5.630991866033891};
solX = NDSolve[{ode1, ode1IC}, x, {t, 0, 500}][[1, 1]]
ode2 = a'[t]/a[t] == Sqrt[(x'[t])^2/6 + (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2/4];
ode2 = ode2 /. solX;
ode2IC = a[0] == 1;
sola = NDSolve[{ode2, ode2IC}, a, {t, 0, 500}][[1, 1]]
ode3 = \[Tau]'[t] == 1/a[t];
ode3 = ode3 /. sola;
ode3IC = \[Tau][149.4517772937791] == 0;
solTao = NDSolve[{ode3, ode3IC}, \[Tau], {t, 0, 500}][[1, 1]]
f = ((7.41193*10^6)^2 - ((3/2 + 1/2*((Sqrt[3/2] Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]] (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]]))/(3/4 (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2))^2 + 1/2 ((Exp[-Sqrt[8/3] x[t]] (1 - Exp[Sqrt[2/3] x[t]] (1 - Exp[-Sqrt[2/3] x[t]]))/(3/4 (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2))))^2 - 1/4)/(\[Tau][t])^2) /. {solX,solTao};
ode4 = u''[t] + f*u[t] == 0;
ode4 = SetAccuracy[(Solve[ode4, u''[t]] /. Rule -> Equal)[[1, 1]] //
Simplify, Infinity];
ode4 = ode4 /. {solTao, solX};
ic={u[0]==0.000259728 E^(I (-0.0249668)),u'[0]==1925.09 E^(I (-1.59576))};
sol = DSolveValue[{ode4, ic}, u[t], t];
I am interested in Plotting the solution of ode4. When running the Plot for the solution, it shows.
DSolveValue::dsvar: The variable specification is not valid.
General::stop: Further output of DSolveValue::dsvar will be suppressed during this calculation.
How do I solve it?
This is what happens when running the sol code.
NDSolve[{x''[t] + 3 x'[t] Sqrt[(x'[t])^2/6 + (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2/4] + Sqrt[3/2] Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]] (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]]) == 0, a'[t]/a[t] == Sqrt[(x'[t])^2/6 + (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2/4], \[Tau]'[t] == 1/a[t], u''[t] + ((7.41193*10^6)^2 - ((3/2 + 1/2*((Sqrt[3/2] Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]] (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]]))/(3/4 (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2))^2 + 1/2 ((Exp[-Sqrt[8/3] x[t]] (1 - Exp[Sqrt[2/3] x[t]] (1 - Exp[-Sqrt[2/3] x[t]]))/(3/4 (1 - Exp[-x[t] Sqrt[2/3]])^2))))^2 - 1/4)/(\[Tau][t])^2)*u[t] == 0, x'[0] == -0.008226306418212731, x[0] == 5.630991866033891, a[0] == 1, \[Tau][149.4517772937791] == 0, u[0] == 0.000259728 E^(I (-0.0249668)), u'[0] == 1925.09 E^(I (-1.59576))}, {x, \[Tau], a, u}, {t, 0, 100}]
Power::infy: Infinite expression 1/0.^2 encountered.
Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 1.5 +ComplexInfinity+ComplexInfinity encountered.
General::stop: Further output of Power::infy will be suppressed during this calculation.
Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0. ComplexInfinity encountered.
General::stop: Further output of Infinity::indet will be suppressed during this calculation.
NDSolve::ndnum: Encountered non-numerical value for a derivative at t == 0.`.
Both methods seem to have problems. Which is the best way to solve them?
Second update:
I figured out that I can solve the system with NDSolve, the trouble is that it takes so much time to solve. I need to make it efficient, but even though with a million steps, I see that it has only been solved from 0 to 0.08, when I want to solve it for the first 100 in $t$.
solode = NDSolve[{u''[t] + u[t]*(k55^2 - f) == 0, u[0] == 0.000259728 E^(I (-0.0249668)), u'[0] == 1925.09 E^(I (-1.59576))}, u, {t, 0, 20}, WorkingPrecision -> 30, MaxSteps -> 1000000]
What is difficult to understand for me is that the first time I ran this code, it achieved to cover a solution from $t=0$ to $t=20$, and now it doesn't go further more from zero. Is there any way to solve this efficiency problem?
Observe here that $k_{55}$ is a fixed constant, while $f$ is a function, which is
\[Nu] = 3/2 + eps1 + 1/2*eps2
f = (\[Nu]^2 - 1/4)/(\[Tau]^2)
The terms that form $f$ are also functions with respect to $t$, all of them well defined and already solved by another NDSolve previously in the code. $u(t)$ is the function that I need a solution for; however, since it oscillates too much in extended times, it can be difficult without precision. Next image is the
in your code that you want to solve? If so, its IC's are not complex. This is confusing. Also you have typo in pasting your code forf
it has--
there near the end which gives syntax error. $\endgroup$DSolveValue
) a numerical solution. I thought that usually would not work. DoesDSolveValue
actually give you a solution? $\endgroup$f
is of order 5 10^13 for smallt
, sou
oscillates very rapidly there, which is why the numerical calculation ofu
is so slow. Certainly, this is inconsistent with the plot in the question. $\endgroup$u[t]
would make it easier for Mathematica to solve the system? $\endgroup$