Suppose I have some complicated expressions, I want to extract some terms with $\{a_1, \cdots, a_n\}$ out of the complicated expressions without considering coefficients.
For example, here is my trial.
exp1 = a1*a2*24 + a1*a2*a3*kk*25 + a1*a2^2 + a1*a2*a3*34;
MonomialList[exp1, {a1, a2, a3}]
Then what I have is
{a1 a2^2, a1 a2 a3 (34 + 25 kk), 24 a1 a2}
I want to extract the $a_i$'s not the coefficients in my list, i.e., I want to eliminate (34+25kk) and the number 24 out of my results without imposing //.{34+25*kk}->1, 24->1
What I want to do is for given expressions, I want to find which combinations of $a_i$'s are present in the list form.