I don't know how to delete a list from a list.
For example, There is a list.
box[1, 1] = {{50, {5, 3}}, {3.6463, {5, 3}}, {50, {5, 3}}, {50, {5, 3}}, {50, {5, 3}}, {81.490, {5, 3}}, {50, {5, 3}}, {20.2414, {5, 3}}, {42.439, {5, 3}}, {50, {5, 3}}};
select = RandomSample[box[1, 1], Take[5]];
Next, I want to create new list like newbox[1,1] = box[1,1] - select.
For example, If select is
select={{50, {5, 3}}, {42.439, {5, 3}}, {81.490, {5, 3}}, {50, {5, 3}}, {50, {5, 3}}}
, newbox[1,1] should be
newbox[1,1]={{20.2414, {5, 3}},{50, {5, 3}}, {3.6463, {5, 3}},{50, {5, 3}},{50, {5, 3}}}
however, i couldn't make list, I don't understand how to use DeleteCases.for example, I tried
newbox[1, 1] = DeleteCases[box[1, 1], Alternatives @@ select]
but,Alternatives @@ select was incorrect because the same number(here is {50, {5, 3}}) of elements is recognised as one.
What equation should I construct?