
I have a bunch of linear equations of the form

x[1] == 5012 - 5x[3] - 2x[4] + 5x[7]

etc. Specifically there is one linear variable on the left, and the right-hand side is linear (generically with a constant).

I want to process these so that all the variables come on the left and the constant stays on the right. So for the above I would want

x[1] + 5x[3] + 2x[4] - 5x[7] == 5012

as the output. This feels like a very simple thing to try and do but I am struggling to implement it.


4 Answers 4



eq = x[1] == 5012 - 5 x[3] - 2 x[4] + 5 x[7]
expr = eq /. Equal -> Subtract;
const = expr /. Map[# -> 0 &,  Variables[expr]]
neweq=expr - const == -const 
(*x[1] + 5 x[3] + 2 x[4] - 5 x[7] == 5012*)
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you -- this does just what I needed $\endgroup$
    – Facieod
    Commented Sep 15, 2023 at 13:26
  • $\begingroup$ You're welcome! $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 15, 2023 at 13:27
tran = SubtractSides[SubtractSides[#], First@CoefficientArrays[#]] &;
eqn=x[1] == 5012 - 5x[3] - 2x[4] + 5x[7];

x[1] + 5 x[3] + 2 x[4] - 5 x[7] == 5012

eqns = {x[1] == 5012 - 5 x[3] - 2 x[4] + 5 x[7], 
  x[1] + 2 x[4] == -5 x[3] + 5 x[7] + 5012, 
  5012 == x[1] + 5 x[3] + 2 x[4] - 5 x[7]};

{x[1] + 5 x[3] + 2 x[4] - 5 x[7] == 5012, x[1] + 5 x[3] + 2 x[4] - 5 x[7] == 5012, -x[1] - 5 x[3] - 2 x[4] + 5 x[7] == -5012}

eq = x[1] == 5012 - 5 x[3] - 2 x[4] + 5 x[7]
vars = Variables[Subtract @@ eq]
ca = CoefficientArrays[eq] // Normal
vars .  Last[ca] == First@ca

x[1] + 5 x[3] + 2 x[4] - 5 x[7] == -5012


Here is yet another way. Check if the expression is of type Plus or not. If type Plus, loop over each term and move those to the right that do not depend on the variable. If not type Plus, do nothing.

adjust[eq_Equal] := Module[{expr, vars, lhs = 0, rhs = 0, n},
  expr = First@SubtractSides[eq];
  vars = Variables[expr];
  If[Head[expr] === Plus,
    If[Internal`DependsOnQ[expr[[n]], vars],
     lhs = lhs + expr[[n]]
     rhs = rhs - expr[[n]]
    {n, 1, Length@expr}
   lhs == rhs
   expr == 0


 adjust[x[1] == 5012 - 5 x[3] - 2 x[4] + 5 x[7]]

Mathematica graphics

adjust[x[1] + 34 + y + z == -300]

Mathematica graphics

adjust[x[1] + 34 == -300 + Log[z] - Pi/2]

Mathematica graphics


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