There are at least two ways to do this.The Minkowski Sum (RegionDilation) still work.The other way does not depend on RegionDilation
, but we need times to modify the code.
- We start from a random convex polygon with
edges where k=n/2
.(As the convex polygon degenerate to a point, the result become a zonogon)
- And we extract the lines of the convex polygon and using
beltPoly[n_?EvenQ] := Module[{k, poly, lines},
k = n/2;
poly = RandomPolygon[{"Convex", k}];
lines = MeshPrimitives[poly, 1];
Fold[RegionDilation, poly, lines]]
regs = beltPoly /@ {6, 8, 10, 12};
Partition[Graphics[{FaceForm[], EdgeForm[Thick], #}] & /@ regs, 2,
- We can also extend the edges of the convex polygon at first.
n = 8;
k = n/2;
poly = RandomPolygon[{"Convex", k}];
lines = MeshPrimitives[poly, 1];
extendLines =
lines /.
Line[{a_, b_}] :> Line[{a, b + RandomReal[{.3, .6}]*(b - a)}];
{Graphics[{poly, Orange, extendLines /. Line -> Arrow}],
Graphics[{FaceForm[], EdgeForm[Blue],
Fold[RegionDilation, poly, extendLines]}]}
- Subdivided the region to several parallelograms and one convex polygon still not so easy. At first we add parallelograms around the convex polygon.
n = 10;
k = n/2;
poly = RandomPolygon[{"Convex", k}];
lines = MeshPrimitives[poly, 1];
extendLines =
lines /. Line[{a_, b_}] :>
Line[{a, b + RandomReal[{.4, .6}]*(b - a)}];
{Graphics[{poly, Orange, extendLines /. Line -> Arrow},
ImageSize -> Medium],
Graphics[{poly, FaceForm[], EdgeForm[Blue],
Partition[extendLines, 2, 1,
1] /. {Line[{a_, b_}], Line[{c_, d_}]} :>
Polygon[{c, b, b + d - c, d}]}, ImageSize -> Medium]}
- When the
angle less then π
, we extend one parallelogram, until the outer polygon become a n=2k
sides convex polygon.
k = 5;
n = 2 k;
poly = RandomPolygon[{"Convex", k}];
lines = MeshPrimitives[poly, 1];
extendLines =
lines /. Line[{a_, b_}] :>
Line[{a, b + RandomReal[{.4, .6}]*(b - a)}];
polys0 =
Partition[extendLines, 2, 1,
1] /. {Line[{a_, b_}], Line[{c_, d_}]} :>
Polygon[{c, b, b + d - c, d}];
pairs = Partition[extendLines, 2, 1,
1] /. {Line[{a_, b_}], Line[{c_, d_}]} :> Point[{b, b + d - c, d}];
countAngles[pts_] :=
Thread[PlanarAngle[#, "Counterclockwise"] & /@
Partition[pts, 3, 1, {2}] > π];
test[pts_] := And @@ countAngles[pts];
extend[pts_] := Module[{n, pos, p, poly, a, b, c, d}, n = Length@pts;
pos = First@FirstPosition[countAngles@pts, False];
a = pts[[Mod[pos - 1, n, 1]]];
b = pts[[pos]];
c = pts[[Mod[pos + 1, n, 1]]];
d = a + c - b;
Sow[Polygon[{a, b, c, d}]];
ReplacePart[pts, pos -> d]];
pts = Flatten[pairs[[;; , 1]][[;; , 1 ;; 2]], 1];
result = Reap@NestWhileList[extend, pts, Not@*test];
g = Graphics[{LightYellow,
poly, {EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[LightBlue], polys0}, {FaceForm[Orange], EdgeForm[Black], #} & /@
AbsoluteOptions[g, PlotRange];
ani = Manipulate[
poly, {EdgeForm[Black], FaceForm[LightBlue], polys0},
Take[{FaceForm[Orange], EdgeForm[Black], #} & /@
First@result[[2]], i]},
First@AbsoluteOptions[g, PlotRange]], {i, 0,
Length@First@result[[2]], 1}, SaveDefinitions -> True]