I have made this atom positions on a tube:
sp = 1; (c-c equilibrium length)
nbead = 8;
sf = nbead*sp;
radf = sf/(2*\[Pi]) (*relate to nbead*)
m = (Sqrt[3]/2)* (sp)
nmax = 18;
(*defines the hight 2mnmax=h*)
lcnt = 2*m*nmax
c1 = Chop[CirclePoints[{radf, 0}, nbead]]
c1 = Table[Insert[c1[[i]], 0, 3], {i, 1, Length[c1]}];
c2 = Chop[CirclePoints[{radf, \[Pi]/nbead}, nbead]];
c2 = Table[Insert[c2[[i]], m, 3], {i, 1, Length[c2]}];
r1 = Join[c1, c2];
Do[r1[[i]][[3]] = r1[[i]][[3]] + n (2*m), {i, 1, Length[r1]}];
t1 = Table[r1, {n, 1, nmax}];
t1 = Flatten[#, 1] &@t1;
pl = ListPointPlot3D[t1]
t1 is my tube. Is there an easy way in mathematica to curve this tube and find the atoms new positions on the curved tube? I want to be able to change the curvature radius and find the new atom's positions.
Thank you so much