I need to express generating function of sequence $(A+B)^n$ in terms of generating functions of sequences $A^n$ or $B^n$.
For instance, consider the following matrix sequences.
$$ \begin{array} \ A^0,A^1,A^2,\ldots\\ B^0,B^1,B^2\ldots\\ \end{array} $$
We can consider a new sequence $(A+B)^n$ $$\ (A+B)^0,(A+B)^1,(A+B)^2,\ldots$$
Its generating function was derived here, in terms of generating function of $A^n$. Is there's functionality in Mathematica I could've reused to help obtain this expression?
$$ G_{A+B}=(I-x G_A B)^{-1} G_A $$
d = 2;
ii = IdentityMatrix[d];
A = RandomInteger[{-10, 10}, {d, d}];
B = RandomInteger[{-10, 10}, {d, d}];
gA = GeneratingFunction[MatrixPower[A, n], n,
x]; (* same as Inverse[ii-x A] *)
gAB = Function @@ {{x},
GeneratingFunction[MatrixPower[A + B, n], n, x]};
formula = Function @@ {{x}, Inverse[ii - x gA . B] . gA};
x = 2;
Print["Formula works: ", formula[x] == gAB[x] // Reduce] (* True *)