From my previous question, if I consider a list like this:
$\{$$\{$$\{$$1,2,3$$\}$,$\{$$4,5,6$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,2,4$$\}$,$\{$$3,5,6$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,2,5$$\}$,$\{$$3,4,6$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,2,6$$\}$,$\{$$3,4,5$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,3,4$$\}$,$\{$$2,5,6$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,3,5$$\}$,$\{$$2,4,6$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,3,6$$\}$,$\{$$2,4,5$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,4,5$$\}$,$\{$$2,3,6$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,4,6$$\}$,$\{$$2,3,5$$\}$$\}$, $\{$$\{$$1,5,6$$\}$,$\{$$2,3,4$$\}$$\}$$\}$
how can I delete all the permuted sublists containing in one of their subset $2$ different integers already present in one of the subsets of the previous permuted sublists? I hope the request is clear. In the showed case, the output would just be:
While considering the sublists of $6$ elements divided in subsets of length $2$, starting with
this one has to be deleted:
while this one (and others too) should be in the output: