I noticed that when the response length passes around 1k characters then it is cut at weird lengths: 424, 936 or 1448 characters.
Response is generated correctly but then it is cut so if the body was eg. a JSON then it is malformed.
Any ideas?
Quiet @ Close @ listener;
responseBodyLength = 2000;
constResponse = ExportString[
GenerateHTTPResponse @ HTTPResponse @ ExportForm[
StringRepeat["a", responseBodyLength], "Text"
, "HTTPResponse"
listener = SocketListen[
, With[{client = #["SourceSocket"]}, WriteString[client, constResponse]; Close@client] &
url = URLBuild[<|"Scheme" -> "http",
"Domain" -> First[listener["Socket"]["DestinationIPAddress"]],
"Port" -> listener["Socket"]["DestinationPort"]|>];
StringLength@URLRead[url, "Body"], 50
] // Counts
<|936 -> 13, 1448 -> 35, 424 -> 2|>