
I have 2 X m table with elements {{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, .... {xi, yi}, .....{xm, ym}}. It is an experimental data, which can be seen in the attached picture. There is a significant noise and arbitrariness in the variation of independent parameter (first column, x) as well as dependent double valued parameter (second column, y). Here, I want to divide the data into two parts- one which has almost constant y and another with y increasing with x. How to achieve it as the inflection point may not be in the center of the table.

Will appreciate any suggestion. Thanksenter image description here
Here is a sample data -

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Without concrete data, it will be difficult to give concrete answers. That being said, take a look at TakeDrop (to split the list), and Ordering (to find the position of the rightmost point) $\endgroup$
    – Lukas Lang
    Commented Sep 14, 2022 at 11:51
  • $\begingroup$ You can use FindFormula or QuantileRegression. Here is a very similar MSE question: "Smoothing noisy data". $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 14, 2022 at 12:00
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thanks for the response - I have included a section of data on either side of inflection point. Thanks $\endgroup$
    – user49535
    Commented Sep 14, 2022 at 12:02

2 Answers 2


Store your data in d. Then we plot the x and y values separately:

ListLinePlot[d[[All, 2]], PlotLabel -> "y values"]

enter image description here

ListLinePlot[d[[All, 1]], PlotLabel -> "x values"]

enter image description here

You can see that the x and y values increase up to index 89. From there the x values decrease again, but the y values stay approx. constant.

The division of the data into two sets: d1 and d2 is therefore simple, take the first 89 points and the rest:

d1= Take[d,;;89];
d2= Take[d,90;;];
  • $\begingroup$ This works when the data is sorted (as it is the case in OP's question.) Some generality is achieved if the data is sorted with, say, SortBy[d, #[[1]] / #[[2]]& ] $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 14, 2022 at 15:49

I am going to use QRMon because the workflow is easier to specify.


  1. Fit Quantile Regression (QR) curves:

    1. Using small number of knots

    2. At different probabilities (e.g. 0.25 and 0.75)

    3. With different, low interpolation orders (e.g. 0, 1, 2)

  2. Select QR parameters to extract the "near constant y" points.

  3. Pick the points around produced regression quantile.

    1. Using suitable pick range (e.g. 0.015)
  4. Plot the original data points and the extracted ones.


qrObj = 
    QRMonQuantileRegression[4, {0.25, 0.75, 0.85}, InterpolationOrder -> 0]⟹

enter image description here

enter image description here

qrObj = 
    QRMonQuantileRegression[1, {0.25, 0.75, 0.85}, InterpolationOrder -> 0]⟹

enter image description here

lsConstantYPoints = (qrObj⟹QRMonTakeValue)[0.75]

(*{{58.5175, 0.037971}, {61.9507, 0.0423}, {62.8662, 0.038254}, {60.9589, 0.039508}, {61.9507, 0.046305}, {62.9425, 0.045294}, {65.155, 0.043837}, {63.4003, 0.039063}, {63.2477, 0.043797}, {68.4357, 0.048166}, {66.6046, 0.048247}, {64.621, 0.042583}, {65.155, 0.049663}, {67.5964, 0.049299}, {66.0706, 0.046629}, {66.2231, 0.049097}, {67.3676, 0.05379}, {68.2068, 0.045456}, {66.7572, 0.042259}, {65.5365, 0.056541}, {68.8171, 0.054963}, {71.5637, 0.044646}, {67.5201, 0.043716}, {67.5964, 0.055773}, {66.6809, 0.056056}, {67.5201, 0.049299}, {67.4438, 0.049501}, {66.7572, 0.054437}, {65.918, 0.052981}, {67.4438, 0.053669}, {66.2231, 0.056218}, {67.3676, 0.050634}, {65.4602, 0.048288}, {64.4684, 0.055732}, {66.0706, 0.056541}, {67.2913, 0.049259}, {65.3839, 0.046629}, {64.6973, 0.059171}, {64.0869, 0.061315}, {65.4602, 0.052415}, {62.8662, 0.049501}, {63.9343, 0.058483}, {63.5529, 0.056703}, {63.1714, 0.050634}, {61.4166, 0.052779}, {64.1632, 0.055611}, {63.2477, 0.055449}, {60.1196, 0.054073}, {58.8989, 0.056825}, {62.561, 0.05205}, {61.7218, 0.0476}, {59.8145, 0.056784}, {58.67, 0.058079}, {61.1115, 0.052172}, {58.2123, 0.049097}, {58.136, 0.060304}, {59.8907, 0.063338}, {58.5175, 0.052576}, {56.1523, 0.0476}, {56.6864, 0.053062}, {58.3649, 0.052698}, {55.6946, 0.050351}, {48.2941, 0.053264}, {55.2368, 0.052415}, {56.839, 0.051848}, {55.9998, 0.052293}, {55.0079, 0.057148}, {53.1769, 0.049056}, {54.1687, 0.043999}, {55.3894, 0.053264}, {54.8553, 0.058888}, {53.3295, 0.048935}, {50.2777, 0.043999}, {53.1006, 0.056096}, {53.2532, 0.061032}, {51.8799, 0.046912}, {49.8199, 0.046184}, {50.4303, 0.050837}, {52.5665, 0.049259}, {51.1169, 0.046346}, {49.1333, 0.051929}, {50.6592, 0.045172}, {49.1333, 0.043069}, {49.5911, 0.051363}, {50.0488, 0.053264}, {50.2777, 0.04323}, {46.463, 0.049866}, {48.6755, 0.058322}, {48.6755, 0.042098}, {44.9371, 0.037}, {45.166, 0.048773}, {47.76, 0.054802}, {47.76, 0.0476}, {45.2423, 0.048571}, {44.3268, 0.047155}, {45.4712, 0.048207}, {44.8608, 0.047843}, {44.0216, 0.054559}, {43.1824, 0.048652}, {43.2587, 0.042219}, {43.6401, 0.050756}, {41.6565, 0.054235}, {41.7328, 0.042502}, {39.1388, 0.051524}, {42.4957, 0.058928}, {42.7246, 0.046508}, {39.444, 0.040479}, {41.6565, 0.050027}, {40.741, 0.053628}}*)
ListPlot[{data, lsConstantYPoints}, PlotTheme -> "Detailed", PlotStyle -> {{GrayLevel[0.8], PointSize[0.02]}, {Red, PointSize[0.006]}}, PlotLegends -> {"data", "extracted"}]

enter image description here


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