using the xAct I'm trying to make a rule that the antisymmetrization in three indices of an expression goes to zero. Namely I have the killing vector
$$ \xi^a $$
defined using DefTensor[\[xi][a],M,KillingVectorOf -> metric]
with $M$ being the manifold.
Now I would like to create a rule such that applied to an expression it acts as
$$ \xi_{[a} \nabla_{b} \xi_{d]}=0. $$ I can easily define a new tensor with such symmetries, but I have trouble defining such a rule. For example when I try
MakeRule[{(\[Xi][-d] cd[-b]@\[Xi][-a] - \[Xi][-b] cd[-d]@\[Xi][-a] + \\[Xi][-a] cd[-d]@\[Xi][-b]), 0}, UseSymmetries -> True,
MetricOn -> All]
I end up getting a "There is more than one term on the LHS of the rule" error. Any advice on how to implement such symmetries for expressions?
cannot handle rules likea+b:>c
, maybe you can try rewriting it asa:>c-b
, see e.g. On MakeRule $\endgroup$