Manifold $W$ is divided into 9 points. The value of the parameter $P$ at each point in manifold is represented by a certain number, and the partition itself is represented as a matrix:
P = {{1, 2, 3}, {-1, 0, 1}, {-3, -2, -1}}
There is also a matrix $J$ that depends on the value from the matrix $P$ at the selected point and on the variables $x,y$
J = {{x^2, 1, P[[i, j]]}, {0, x, -1}, {1, 2, y^4}}
I need help solving an optimization problem:
1 Take each point from matrix $P$.
2 Substitute it into the matrix $J$ and use the matrix norm $||J||$ formula at the given point.
3 After that, I need to sum the squares of all the norms obtained at each point and divide by the number of partitions, i.e. use the formula:
$G=\frac{1}{n} q^Tq $,
where $q=\begin{bmatrix} ||J(x,y,P(1,1))|| & ||J(x,y,P(1,2))|| & ||J(x,y,P(1,3))|| & \cdots & ||J(x,y,P(3,3))|| \end{bmatrix}$
4 Find a combination of parameters $x,y$ that minimizes $G$, i.e.:
On the one hand, here is a ready-made algorithm. On the other hand, I have heard a lot about the possibilities of Mathematica in the field of optimization (and solving least-squares problems). Teach me how to use these possibilities.
I will be happy and grateful!
method inFindMinimum[]
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