This is my first question on this forum, but by no means my first problem with Mathematica (which I've been using daily for years).
Clear[x, y]
reg = RegionBoundary[ImplicitRegion[0 < x < 2 \[And] 0 < y < -2 x + 4, {x, y}]];
In Mathematica 10.3, the expression
RegionMember[reg, {x, y}]
evaluates to the following logical condition
(x | y) \[Element] Reals && ((x == 0 &&
0 <= y <= 4) || (0 < x < 2 && (y == 0 || y == 4 - 2 x)) || (x ==
2 && y == 0))
which is correct. However, since version 12 (at least) the result is not a symbolic condition anymore, but a RegionMemberFunction expression.
How can one get the predicate above or something equivalent?
CylindricalDecomposition[0<x<2&&0<y<-2 x+4,{x,y},"Boundary"]//Simplify
in MMA 12.0, I just get the expression returned unevaluated. $\endgroup$