In version 13 on Windows 10 I solve
DSolve[{y''[x]*y[x] + 5*y[x]^6*y'[x]^4 == 2*y'[x]^2, y[1] == 1, y'[1] == 1}, y[x], x]
and a warning
DSolve::bvnul: "For some branches of the general solution, the given boundary conditions lead to an empty solution."
The problem under consideration does have a solution y[x_] := (4 x - 3)^(1/4)
and Maple finds it.
As far as I understand it, the general solution is produced by
DSolve[y''[x]*y[x] + 5*y[x]^6*y'[x]^4 == 2*y'[x]^2, y[x], x]
{{y[x] -> InverseFunction[-(( Hypergeometric2F1[-(1/2), -(1/10), 9/10, -(#1^10/C[1])] Sqrt[ C[1] + #1^10])/(#1 Sqrt[1 + #1^10/C[1]])) &][x + C[2]]}, {y[ x] -> InverseFunction[( Hypergeometric2F1[-(1/2), -(1/10), 9/10, -(#1^10/C[1])] Sqrt[ C[1] + #1^10])/(#1 Sqrt[1 + #1^10/C[1]]) &][x + C[2]]}}
Is {}
a bug or I incorrectly understand it?