
I have a 2x2 matrix of lists. For example, the matrix I am working with looks like

matrix = {{{a,b,c}, {e,f,g}}, {{h,i,j}, {k,l,m}}}

I want to define a function such that when I pass this matrix to it, it gives me


Obviously a bruteforce way I could do this is to just take

matrix[[1, 1]] + matrix[[1, 2]] + matrix[[2, 1]] + matrix[[2, 2]]

But is there a more elegant approach to doing this using some built in functions in Mathematica? I tried looking around but I could not find one.


8 Answers 8


Dimensions[matrix] is {2, 2, 3} so you can use dot on the left side:

matrix = {{{a, b, c}, {e, f, g}}, {{h, i, j}, {k, l, m}}};

func = {1, 1}.({1, 1}.#) &;
(* {a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m} *)

Or alternatively specify which levels to sum in Total

Total[matrix, {1, 2}]
(* {a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m} *)
matrix ~ Total ~ 2
{a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m}

And, for fun:

☺ = +## & @@ +## & @@ # &;

☺ @ matrix
{a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m}

you can flatten then MapThread

{{{a,b,c}, {e,f,g}}, {{h,i,j}, {k,l,m}}} //
Flatten[#,1]& //

(* {a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m} *)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ MapThread[Plus] @ MapThread[Plus, matrix, 2] is another option. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 8, 2022 at 19:23

We grab the matrix from the OP

matrix = {{{a, b, c}, {e, f, g}}, {{h, i, j}, {k, l, m}}}

0. Using Total + Query + Developer`ToPackedArray

The code is:

Total[Developer`ToPackedArray@matrix // Query[Total, All], {1}]

1. Using Flatten + Transpose + Plus

The code is

Plus @@@ Transpose[Flatten[matrix, 1]]

2. Using Thread + Transpose + Plus

The code is

Plus @@@ Thread[Flatten[matrix, 1]]

3. Using Total

The code is

Total@matrix[[All ;;]]~Total~1

4. Using Sum

The code is

Sum[matrix[[xx1, xx2]], {xx1, 1, (Dimensions@matrix)[[1]]}, {xx2, 
  1, (Dimensions@matrix)[[2]]}]

The above is an automated approach of the following

matrix[[1, 1]] + matrix[[1, 2]] + matrix[[2, 1]] + matrix[[2, 2]]

that was explicitly mentioned in the OP.

All of the above give


func = Apply[Plus, Plus @@ #] &;

(* {a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m} *)


func = Map[Plus @@ # &, #, {0, 1}] &;

(* {a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m} *)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ very nicely done! $\endgroup$
    – bmf
    Commented Apr 9, 2022 at 0:03
matrix = {{{a, b, c}, {e, f, g}}, {{h, i, j}, {k, l, m}}};

A variant of bmf's 2nd answer using MapApply (new in 13.1)

MapApply[Plus] @ Transpose @ Apply[Join] @ matrix

{a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m}

matrix = {{{a, b, c}, {e, f, g}}, {{h, i, j}, {k, l, m}}};

Using ArrayRules and GatherBy:

Total@*Values /@ GatherBy[Most@ArrayRules[matrix], #[[1, 3]] &]

{a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m}

Plus @@ ArrayFlatten[matrix, 1]

(* {a + e + h + k, b + f + i + l, c + g + j + m} *) 

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