I am seeking to integrate a highly oscillatory, multidimensional function. I am currently using NIntegrate's QuasiMonteCarlo approach. However, this is time-consuming and, given my current resources, not very accurate. How can I obtain more reliable estimates of the beasty integral given below? As the function itself will be integrated at a later stage, I am also interested in speeding up the function evaluation.
The integral to be solved:
fun[r_?NumericQ, d_?NumericQ, c_, opts:OptionsPattern[]]:=
Cos[(c (d^2+r^2-2 d r Cos[ta] - 3 ((-r+d Cos[ta]) Cos[tb]+d Cos[a] Sin[ta] Sin[tb])^2)) / Abs[d^2+r^2-2 d r Cos[ta]]^(5/2)]
Cos[(c (d^2+r^2+2 d r Cos[ta] - 3 ((r+d Cos[ta]) Cos[tb]+d Cos[a] Sin[ta] Sin[tb])^2)) / Abs[d^2+r^2+2 d r Cos[ta]]^(5/2)]
* Sin[ta]*Sin[tb]/(2*Pi),
Typically, $d$ = 2, $r$ is in the range from 0 to Infinity (with the small values and $r$=$d$ posing problems), and $c$ is in the range from 100 to 3000. A typical function call is:
AbsoluteTiming[fun[3, 2, 400, Method -> "QuasiMonteCarlo", PrecisionGoal -> 6,
MaxPoints -> 40000000]]
(* -> {102.3215798,-0.00442278} *)
This issues a NIntegrate::maxp warning and indicates an error estimate of 0.00011. Using the default strategy I obtain:
fun[3, 2, 400, MaxRecursion -> 20, Method -> {GlobalAdaptive, MaxErrorIncreases -> 10000}]]
(* -> {9.3912165,-0.00439357} *)
and a NIntegrate::eincr warning. Estimated error: 0.0369.
How to proceed from here? Thank you for your help.