I have six unit vectors in real $3$D space
Represent the dot product between some of the vectors as the Cos
of the angle between them
v1.v2=Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 1, 2]];
v1.v3=Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 1, 3]];
v3.v2=Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 3, 2]];
v1.v4=Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 1, 4]];
v2.v5=Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 2, 5]];
v3.v6=Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 3, 6]];
We also know the exact values of the following dot products;
v4.v5= -1/3;
v4.v6= -1/3;
v6.v5= -1/3;
Since we had six vectors there should be in total $^6C_2=15$ angles between them. Whereas we have only defined $9$ of them. I need to represent the remaining $6$ angles in terms of the \[Theta]
parameters defined above.
One way to approach would be to represent the first three in terms of the last three,
v1= a v4 + b v5 + c v6;
v2= d v4 + e v5 + f v6;
v3= g v4 + h v5 + i v6;
Taking the dot product of these three vectors with every other vector would give us a system of equations which can be used to solve the remaining angles. But how do I do it?
EDIT After applying the substitution for the first three vectors mentioned above, we have the following set of equations,
Given these constraints, I need to represent the following quantitites,
How do I solve for linear combination for variables in mathematica?