Hi I am using moleculeRecognize function to upload structures from images and I am attempting to convert the structures in .mol files. However every time I convert to .mol files the hydrogen atoms in the structures are not being accounted for. I was wondering if anyone has any way to overcome this.
1 Answer
Try this. Start with a suitable image. For example,
img = Image@MoleculePlot@Import@First@
FileNames["aspirin.mol", $InstallationDirectory, 6];
Show[img, ImageSize -> Small]
Now, apply MoleculeRecognize
to the image and export the results as a .mol file with the IncludeHydrogens
option, like this
Export["tmp.mol", MoleculeRecognize[img],
"MOL", IncludeHydrogens -> True];
Import[%, "Text"]
There is more to the .mol file than is shown above. Notice the 7 hydrogens at the end of the atom list.