I was making a video by combining some images and this audio, when I encounter the problem:
I need to get the duration of the audio, and when I use Duration
function or just import it, mma tells me that it remains about 8m01s.
But when I open it with potplayer
or Groove music
, it remains 7m59s. After comparing them I found that the last 2s is silent.
So why and how to import the audio the same as above? Someone told me that when he use ffmpeg
, it gives 7m59s but warns:
Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate.
I think maybe it is about encoding or so, but I am not familiar with it. Can anyone help me?
Code:(I upload the audio at somewhere because I don't know how to upload it at this cite.)
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SHBookP/SHBookP/main/azz.mp3";
Import[url](*an 8m01s audio*)
Import[url, "Duration"](*481.306*)
SystemOpen@URLDownload@url(*the end of it is 7:59*)