I have this 2D graphics
a1 = {-1, Sqrt[3]};
a2 = {1, Sqrt[3]};
unitCell[x_, y_] := {Black, Disk[{x, y}, 0.1], Black,
Disk[({x, y} + a1/2), 0.1], Black, Disk[({x, y} + a2/2), 0.1], Blue,
Thickness[0.001], Line[{{x, y}, {x, y} + a1/2}],
Line[{{x, y}, {x, y} + a2/2}],
Line[{{x, y} + a2/2, {x, y} + a2/2 - (a2 - a1)/2}],
Line[{{x, y} + a2/2, {x, y} + a2}],
Line[{{x, y} + a1/2, {x, y} + a1}],
Line[{{x, y} + a1/2, {x, y} + a1/2 - (a2 - a1)/2}]};
unitCell @@ (a1 j + a2 k), {j, -5, 5}, {k, -5, 5}]},
ImageSize -> 300, PlotRange -> {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}}]
I would like to exclude points outside a disk of radius r (i.e. show only points inside the red or green circle as below.
This is how I did it be not working
desirdReg= RegionDifference[ff2, Disk[{0, 0}, r]];
it gives:
RegionDifference::reg: is not a correctly specified region.
I would like to get something like this