So I was writing a function to get the poincare map of a given dynamic system, for example, the duffing oscillator.
I obtained the time series in advance, then take the poincare map based on this time series.
(All the code is based on this article)
(*define the vector field*)
Duffing[f_, w_] := {v, -0.5*v - x^3 + x + f*Cos[z], w};
(*Obtain the orbits (numerical iteration)*)
OrbitFlow[flow_, vars_, x0_, {t0_, t1_}, opts___] :=
Module[{rules, eq, l = Length[flow], tf, rhs},
rules = Table[vars[[i]] -> vars[[i]][t], {i, 1, l}];
rhs = flow /. rules;
eq = Join[Table[D[vars[[i]] /. rules, t] == rhs[[i]], {i, 1, l}],
Table[vars[[i]][0] == x0[[i]], {i, 1, l}]];
tf = Table[vars[[i]][t], {i, 1, l}];
sol = NDSolve[eq, tf, {t, t0, t1}, opts]]
(*solving the equation*)
T=2 \[Pi]
sol = OrbitFlow[Duffing[0.39, 1], {x, v, z}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1000*T}];
(*to get the set by poincare map*)
((Join[xsol[#],vsol[#]]//Evaluate)&) /@Range[800*T,1000*T,T]
it doesn't evaluate, and returns:
In:= poincare[sol, 1]
Out:= {{x[1600 \[Pi]], v[1600 \[Pi]]},...}
instead, if I run the code without function-defined 'poincare', it gives evaluated answers,
In:= Module[{T = 2 \[Pi]/1, xsol, vsol}, xsol[t_] = x[t] /. sol;
vsol[t_] = v[t] /. sol;
((Join[xsol[#], vsol[#]] // Evaluate) &) /@ Range[800*T, 1000*T, T]]
Out:= {{-0.508376, 0.294264},...}
Though I know there are plenty of ways to do the same thing, I just wondered why this is wrong?
so it might be something wrong with my settings in NDSolve, in my previous code, I used
so the output is a list of rules, like:
{{x[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[~],
v[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[~],
z[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[~],
so that evaluation at a specific point may not work, although set another function may solve this but yet cause other problems,
In:= x[0.2]/.sol
Out:= {x[0.2]}
In:= temp[t_] = x[t] /. sol; temp[0.2]
Out:= {0.00754592}
Change the variables in NDSolve may solve this, as
then the solution can be evaluated at some point directly
In:= x[0.2]/.sol
Out:= {0.00754592}
But still, I don't know why this could happen that when setdelayed to it, it will not work.
has one argument and your example uses two arguments. Something is wrong or missing in the code you posted. $\endgroup$poincare[sol,1]
was a misstype! $\endgroup$