I have the following expansions:
$\frac{a+b-\sqrt{a^2-b^2}}{\sqrt{a+b}}$ and $a>b>0$
Obviously we can simplify it further by hand $\sqrt{a+b}-\sqrt{a-b}$, but Mathematica doesn't know how to simplify it, I have tried several methods, but nothing worked.
FullSimplify[(a + b - Sqrt[a^2 - b^2])/Sqrt[a + b], a > b > 0,
ComplexityFunction -> #] & /@ {LeafCount, ByteCount, StringLength@*ToString}
, andStringLength
than the original expression. (26 vs. 19, 744 vs. 536, and 81 vs. 26 respectively.) You would think that this would induce Mathematica to return it in at least one of the cases. $\endgroup$