MMA delivers: $$\int_0^a\sqrt{\frac{1}{x}-\frac{1}{a}}\cosh\left(\sqrt{x}\right)\textrm{d}x=\pi I_1(\sqrt{a})$$ where $a>0$ and $I_1$ is the modified Bessel function of $1^\textrm{st}$ kind and order $1$.
- How was this equation by MMA integrated? Rubi cannot integrate it, so it can be assumed that it is not a simple integration.
Edit: Question 1 was also posted in a more suitable forum and also answered there.
- Why MMA does give a solution only if it is a definite integral and if upper border is $a$? (For indefinite integral or if instead of $a$ we set upper border to $1$ MMA delivers no solution.)
Edit: Question 2 was answered below.
Integrate[Sqrt[(1/x-1/a)] Cosh[Sqrt[x]],{x,0,a}]
(*\[Pi] BesselI[1,Sqrt[a]*)
MMA 12.3