I understand that you need to be able to use constraints but I don't see how that is related to the estimation problem you present. But what you present is a real problem.
To obtain the maximum likelihood estimates I've slightly modified your code. I think that your complicated Piecewise
function where the conditions are highly dependent on the parameters (as opposed to conditions not involving the parameters) is bogging down the calculations in EstimatedDistribution
. (At least that's my guess.)
(* Generate data *)
data = RandomVariate[SkewNormalDistribution[-.01, .01, 3], 150];
(* Initial values for parameters based on skew normal distribution *)
{μ0, σ0, α0} = {μ, σ, α} /. FindDistributionParameters[data, SkewNormalDistribution[μ, σ, α]];
(* Define log of the likelihood *)
logL[data_, μ_?NumericQ, σ_?NumericQ, α_?NumericQ] := Module[{f, x},
f = Piecewise[{{0, x < -3/α},
{1/(8 Sqrt[2*Pi]) Exp[-x^2/2] (9*α*x + 3*α^2 x^2 + 1/3 α^3 x^3 + 9), -3/α <= x < -1/α},
{1/(4 Sqrt[2*Pi]) Exp[-x^2/2] (3*α*x - 1/3 α^3 x^3 + 4), -1/α <= x < 1/α},
{1/(8 Sqrt[2*Pi]) Exp[-x^2/2] (9*α*x - 3*α^2 x^2 + 1/3 α^3 x^3 + 7), 1/α <= x < 3/α},
{Sqrt[2/Pi] Exp[-x^2/2], 3/α <= x}}]/σ /. x -> (x - μ)/σ // Simplify;
Log[f /. x -> #] & /@ data // Total
(* Maximize the likelihood *)
mle = FindMaximum[{logL[data, μ, σ, α], (Min[data] - μ)/σ >= -3/α, σ > 0},
{{μ, μ0}, {σ, σ0}, {α, α0}}]
(* {554.03, {μ -> -0.0101752, σ -> 0.00993595, α -> 3.62204}} *)
(* Display data histogram and fit *)
Show[Histogram[data, "FreedmanDiaconis", "PDF"],
Plot[SNAPDF[(x - μ)/σ, α]/σ /. mle[[2]], {x, Min[data], Max[data]}]]
I'm also not understanding the purpose of performing a goodness-of-fit test. You know for a fact that your Piecewise
function is not a skewed normal. No need to test for that. What you would seem to want is a goodness-of-fit summary statistic or two or three summary statistics (certainly something other than a P-value). In other words, what is it that would say that your estimation of the approximate density is close enough to what you can get by using a skewed normal?
Obtaining estimates of standard errors for the parameter estimates.
f = Piecewise[{{0, x < -3/α},
{1/(8 Sqrt[2*Pi]) Exp[-x^2/2] (9*α*x + 3*α^2 x^2 + 1/3 α^3 x^3 + 9), -3/α <= x < -1/α},
{1/(4 Sqrt[2*Pi]) Exp[-x^2/2] (3*α*x - 1/3 α^3 x^3 + 4), -1/α <= x < 1/α},
{1/(8 Sqrt[2*Pi]) Exp[-x^2/2] (9*α*x - 3*α^2 x^2 + 1/3 α^3 x^3 + 7), 1/α <= x < 3/α},
{Sqrt[2/Pi] Exp[-x^2/2], 3/α <= x}}]/σ /. x -> (x - μ)/σ // Simplify;
(covMat = -Inverse[((D[Log[f], {{μ, σ, α}, 2}] /.
mle[[2]]) /. x -> #) & /@ data // Total]) // MatrixForm
se = Sqrt[Diagonal[covMat]]
(* {0.000698432, 0.000786863, 0.930417} *)
variable. $\endgroup$SNA
? $\endgroup$