
I have these equations,

$$\int_\epsilon^{z_m} \frac{z_m^d dz}{z^d \sqrt{f(z) z_m^{2d} - f(z_m) z^{2d}}} - \int_\epsilon^{z_s} \frac{z_s^d dz}{z^d \sqrt{f(z) (z_s^{2d} - z^{2d})}} = 0 \tag{1}\label{1}$$

$$T = \int_0^{z_s} \frac{z^d dz}{\sqrt{f(z) (z_s^{2d} - z^{2d})}} + b \tag{2}\label{2}$$

$$T = \int_0^{z_m} \frac{-dz}{f(z) \sqrt{1 - \frac{f(z) z_m^{2d}}{f(z_m) z^{2d}}}} - t_b \tag{3}\label{3}$$

where $b$, $t_b$ are constants, $\epsilon$ can be set to any small number, $z_h < z_m < z_{m-critical}$, $z_s < z_h$.

My goal is to find $z_m$ that satisfies equation $\eqref{1}$ ($z_m$ that makes the first equation to be 0). However, I also have this $z_s$ parameter which depends on $z_m$ through $T$ (before, I was solving for $z_s$ by giving a value to $T$ but now $T$ depends on the value of $z_m$ which is what I'm trying to find in the first place). So immediately, I think I can combine equation $\eqref{2}$ $\eqref{3}$ and together with equation $\eqref{1}$ I have two equations in two unknowns.

All of these integrals can be evaluated except for the integral in $\eqref{3}$ which diverges at $z=z_h$ ($z_h$ is just a number which I show in the code). However, using the Method -> PrincipalValue in NIntegrate this problem can be resolved.

d = 3;
b = 0.1;
tb = 10.103;
zmcritical = 13.128;
zh = 10;
f[z_] := 1 - (z/zh)^(d + 1)
Sv[z_?NumericQ, zm_?NumericQ] := zm^d/(z^d Sqrt[zm^(2 d) f[z] - z^(2 d) f[zm]])
SA[z_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := zs^d/(z^d Sqrt[f[z] (zs^(2 d) - z^(2 d) )])
SvA[zm_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[Sv[z, zm], {z, 10^-1, zm}] - NIntegrate[SA[z, zs], {z, 10^-1, zs}]
tzm[z_?NumericQ, zm_?NumericQ] := -1/(f[z] Sqrt[1 - (zm^(2 d) f[z])/(z^(2 d) f[zm])])
tzs[z_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := z^d/Sqrt[f[z] (zs^(2 d) - z^(2 d) )]
tzmzs[zm_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[tzm[z, zm], {z, 0, zh, zm}, Method -> PrincipalValue] - NIntegrate[tzs[z, zs], {z, 0, zs}] - b - tb

NSolve[{SvA[zm, zs] == 0, tzmzs[zm, zs] == 0}, {zm, zs}]

NIntegrate::nlim: z = zm is not a valid limit of integration.
NIntegrate::nlim: z = zs is not a valid limit of integration.
NIntegrate::nlim: z = zs is not a valid limit of integration.
General::stop: Further output of NIntegrate::nlim will be suppressed during this calculation.
NIntegrate::ilim: Invalid integration variable or limit(s) in Reduce`ReduceVar[1].
NIntegrate::ilim: Invalid integration variable or limit(s) in Reduce`ReduceVar[1].
NIntegrate::ilim: Invalid integration variable or limit(s) in Reduce`ReduceVar[1].
General::stop: Further output of NIntegrate::ilim will be suppressed during this calculation.
NSolve[{-NIntegrate[SA[z, zs], {z, 1/10, zs}] + NIntegrate[Sv[z, zm], {z, 1/10, zm}] == 0, -10.203 - NIntegrate[tzs[z, zs], {z, 0, zs}] + NIntegrate[tzm[z, zm], {z, 0, 10, zm}, Method -> PrincipalValue] == 0}, {zm, zs}]

So problem occurs when solving those two equations in two unknowns. Another issue is that I don't know where to put the constraint zh < zm < zm-critical and zs < zh. If I use NIntegrate, definitely it is not an option there. If I use Integrate then I can put it there using Assumptions but I cannot use Method -> PrincipalValue.

Any suggestions or thoughts on how to go about this problem?


1 Answer 1


Probably there is no solution in the range you are looking for. To show this we can visualize solution of two equations with using ContourPlot[] as follows

d = 3;
b = 0.1;
tb = 10.103;
zmcritical = 13.128;
zh = 10;
f[z_] := 1 - (z/zh)^(d + 1)
Sv[z_?NumericQ, zm_?NumericQ] := 
 zm^d/(z^d Sqrt[zm^(2 d) f[z] - z^(2 d) f[zm]])
SA[z_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := 
 zs^d/(z^d Sqrt[f[z] (zs^(2 d) - z^(2 d))])
SvA[zm_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := 
 NIntegrate[Sv[z, zm], {z, 10^-1, zm}] - 
  NIntegrate[SA[z, zs], {z, 10^-1, zs}]
  zm_?NumericQ] := -1/(f[z] Sqrt[1 - (zm^(2 d) f[z])/(z^(2 d) f[zm])])
tzs[z_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := z^d/Sqrt[f[z] (zs^(2 d) - z^(2 d))]
tzmzs[zm_?NumericQ, zs_?NumericQ] := 
 NIntegrate[tzm[z, zm], {z, 0, zh, zm}, Method -> PrincipalValue] - 
  NIntegrate[tzs[z, zs], {z, 0, zs}] - b - tb

pic = {ContourPlot[{SvA[zm, zs] == 0}, {zm, 12.5, 13.1279}, {zs, 8, 
    9.99}, ContourStyle -> Blue], 
  ContourPlot[{tzmzs[zm, zs] == 0}, {zm, 12.5, 13.1279}, {zs, 8, 
    9.99}, ContourStyle -> Red]}


Figure 1

  • $\begingroup$ Each point of the blue line is where each pair (zm,zs) satisfies $\eqref{1}$ right? So it means from that I can already conclude what zm will make $\eqref{1}$ equal to zero given the zs from the pair, although the red line just shows that the constraint of $\eqref{2}$ $\eqref{3}$ will not produce the same pair of (zm,zs) right? $\endgroup$
    – mathemania
    Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 15:15
  • $\begingroup$ Also, from the plot of SvA[zm,zs] (blue line), what does SvA[12.8, 9] = 0.00319888 mean? (12.8, 9) is not on the blue line but SvA[12.8, 9] produces a value, albeit small. $\endgroup$
    – mathemania
    Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 15:29
  • $\begingroup$ @mathemania The blue line consist of solution of equation SvA[zm, zs] == 0, and red line consist of solution of equation tzmzs[zm, zs] == 0. The crossing of two lines consists of solution two equations { SvA[zm, zs] == 0, tzmzs[zm, zs] == 0`. Unfortunately there is no crossing points in the region you are looking for. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 19:29
  • $\begingroup$ I see. However, suppose I can modify the constraints or study the system I am using so as to accommodate a solution of the two equations, how can I make my code work as in my post? NSolve produces an error. $\endgroup$
    – mathemania
    Commented Aug 1, 2021 at 23:09
  • $\begingroup$ @mathemania In numerical computation we also can use FindRoot[]. First we can estimate solution with ContourPlot and then solve it with FindRoot , for example FindRoot[{SvA[zm, zs] == 0, tzmzs[zm, zs] + 7 == 0}, {{zm, 13.08}, {zs, 9.9}}, PrecisionGoal -> 6, AccuracyGoal -> 3] we have out {zm -> 13.0884, zs -> 9.93653} $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 2, 2021 at 0:11

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