You can get solutions in terms of Root
expressions for defined a,b,c.
Use the fact that f^2+g^2 has a minimum at intersection point to get additional equations.
You get two separated transzendental equations for x and y.
{f, g} = {x - 1 - (Exp[a - x] + Exp[b - y])/(c + Exp[b - y]),
y - 1 - (Exp[b - y])/(c + Exp[a - x])}
Evaluate[{f == 0, g == 0} /. {a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1}], {x, 0,
4}, {y, 0, 4}]
FindRoot[{f == 0, g == 0} /. {a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1}, {x, 2}, {y, 2}]
(* {x -> 1.69589, y -> 1.43284} *)
Plot3D[{0, f^2 + g^2 /. {a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1}}, {x, 0, 4}, {y, 0,
df = D[f^2 + g^2, x] // Together // Numerator // Simplify
dg = D[f^2 + g^2, y] // Together // Numerator // Simplify
elix = Eliminate[{f == 0, df == 0, g == 0, dg == 0}, x]
(* Log[-((E^b + c E^y - c E^y y)/(1 - y))] == -1 + a - E^b/(
E^b + c E^y) + y + (
E^b + c E^y - c E^y y)/((E^b + c E^y) (1 - y)) && E^b + c E^y != 0 *)
Solve[elix[[1]] /. {a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1}, y, Reals]
(* {{y -> Root[{-E^#1 - 2 E #1 + E #1^2 + E^#1 #1^2 +
Log[-((E + E^#1 - E^#1 #1)/(1 - #1))] (E + E^#1 (1 - #1) -
E #1) &, 1.43283890934916955086}]}} *)
eliy = Eliminate[{f == 0, df == 0, g == 0, dg == 0}, y]
Solve[eliy[[1]] /. {a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1}, x, Reals]
(* {{x -> Root[{-E - E^#1 - 2 E #1 - E^#1 #1 + E #1^2 + E^#1 #1^2 +
Log[-((E + E^#1 - E^#1 #1)/(2 - #1))] (2 E + E^#1 (2 - #1) -
E #1) &, 1.69589278283101356668}]}} *)
- it's too difficult. If a,b are known values please provide the numbers - in which case you could tryNSolve
for a numerical solution, otherwise if you need a symbolic solution in $a,b,c$ I'm afraid you're out of luck. $\endgroup$but I got this message:
how long did it take you to get this message? its been running for 20 minutes on my 12.31. You should really mention the version number and the OS also. $\endgroup$