primes[n_] := Prime[Range @ PrimePi[n]]
n = 120;
array = Partition[Range @ n, 10];
split = Split[primes[n], #^2 >= n &];
{{2}, {3}, {5}, {7},
{11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53,
59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113}}
Select a list of 5 (1 + PrimePi[Sqrt @ n]
) colors:
colors = {Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Magenta};
Use colors
and split
to construct a legend:
legend = SwatchLegend[colors, MapAt[primes >= # &, First /@ split, {-1}]]
Construct a styling map associating colors
with primes, and, for a composite number x
, using transparent versions of the colors associated with its prime factors:
colormap = Flatten /@
MapAt[{#, Thread[Range[First[#]^2, n, First[#]] -> Append[Last@#, .3]]}&,
Thread[First@# -> Last@#] & /@ Thread[{split, colors}],
{;; 4, 1}];
1. Using ArrayPlot
ArrayPlot[array /. 1 -> "",
Mesh -> All,
MeshStyle -> Directive[Thick, White],
ColorRules -> Append[Flatten @ Reverse @ colormap, "" -> White],
ImageSize -> 1 -> {50, 40},
Epilog -> MapIndexed[Text[Style[#, 16], Reverse[#2 - 1/2]] &,
Reverse[array /. 1 -> ""], {2}]],
2. Using Grid
backgroundRules = Prepend[{1, 1} -> White] @
Flatten[MapAt[Position[array, #][[1]] &, colormap, {All, All, 1}]];
Grid[array /. 1 -> "",
Dividers -> Directive[Thick, White],
ItemSize -> {3, 3},
ItemStyle -> 16,
Alignment -> {Center, Center},
Background -> {None, None, backgroundRules}],
3. Animation:
To get something similar to the animation in wikipedia >> Sieve of Eratosthenes:
wikiLegend[k_] := Placed[
Prepend[Flatten[colormap], 1 -> RGBColor[0, 0, 0, 0]][[;; k]] /.
{Rule[_, RGBColor[_, _, _, _]] -> Nothing,
Rule[a_, b_] :> Style[a, b, 16, Bold]},
Appearance -> "Horizontal",
Dividers -> {White, {1 -> GrayLevel[0, .2]}},
ItemSize -> {3, 2},
Alignment -> {Center, Center}],
Style["primes", 16], Top],
{After, Top}]
frames = Table[
Grid[array /. 1 -> "",
Dividers -> White,
ItemSize -> {2, 2},
BaseStyle -> FontSize -> 16,
Alignment -> {Center, Center},
Background -> {GrayLevel[.8], GrayLevel[.8], backgroundRules[[;; i]]}],
{i, 1, Length @ backgroundRules, 1}];
Export["eratosth.gif", frames]