I will make an exception to the usual practice I try to follow on this site, and fully replicate my post from this answer of mine here, since it answers this question just as directly or even more, than the one I originally posted it for. I hope this will not cause objections.
In addition to the standard Reap
- Sow
functionality, this one also allows access to intermediate accumulated results at any time during the execution - something that standard Reap
- Sow
Here is a drop-in Reap
- Sow
replacement based on Internal`Bag
structure, which is also the one that the actual Reap
and Sow
are based on:
SetAttributes[withSideEffect, HoldRest];
withSideEffect[code_, sideEffectCode_] := (sideEffectCode; code);
$storage = <||>
SetAttributes[reap, HoldFirst]
reap[expr_] := reap[expr, _]
reap[expr_, patt_] := reap[expr, patt, #2&]
(call : reap[expr_, patt_, func_]) /; !TrueQ[$inReap] :=
Block[{$storage = <||>, $inReap = True},
reap[expr_, patt:Except[_List], func_:Function[#2]] :=
MapAt[First, reap[expr, {patt}, func], 2]
reap[expr_, patt_List, func_] :=
Module[{result = expr, reaped, tag, matchingTags},
{reaped, matchingTags} =
With[{matchingTagsData = KeySelect[$storage, MatchQ[#]]},
Sow[Keys @ matchingTagsData, tag];
Map[Internal`BagPart[#, All]&]
] @ matchingTagsData
If[matchingTags =!= {},
KeyDropFrom[$storage, First @ matchingTags];
{result, reaped}
ClearAll[sow, $globalTag]
sow[expr_] := sow[expr, $globalTag]
sow[expr_, _] /; !TrueQ[$inReap] := expr
sow[expr_, tags_List] := First @ Map[sow[expr, #]&, tags]
sow[expr_, tag_] := withSideEffect[expr,
If[!KeyExistsQ[$storage, tag],
$storage[tag] = Internal`Bag[{expr}],
(* else *)
Internal`StuffBag[$storage[tag], expr]
getCurrentData[part: _Integer | {__Integer} | _Span | All : All] :=
getCurrentData[part, $globalTag]
getCurrentData[part: _Integer | {__Integer} | _Span | All : All, tag_] :=
Lookup[$storage, tag, {}],
bag: Except[{}] :> Internal`BagPart[bag, part]
It can serve as an explanation of how Reap
work, but it can also be used to access the sowed data at any time, something that built-in Reap
can't do:
sow[1, {h[1], h[2], g[1]}];
sow[2, g[2]];
Print["The current data for tag ", h[1], " is ", getCurrentData[h[1]]];
sow[3, {h[1], g[2], g[3]}]
{_h, _g}
, f
During evaluation of In[283]:= The current data for tag h[1] is {1}
{3, {{f[h[1], {1, 3}], f[h[2], {1}]}, {f[g[1], {1}], f[g[2], {2, 3}], f[g[3], {3}]}}}
In terms of performance, these will be slower, but should not be too much slower than the built-ins, since they are based on the same underlying data structure.
y = Sow[1]; Reap[y]
works I think. $\endgroup$