
Suppose that I have a list:

G = {{{a, c}, {a, c, x}}, {{c, e}, {c, e, x}}, {{e, f}, {a, e, f}}, 
     {{f, g}, {a, f, g}}, {{g, a}, {a, f, g}}, {{a, c, x}, {a, c}}, 
     {{a, c, x}, {a, e, x}}, {{a, c, x}, {c, e, x}}, {{a, e, f}, {e, f}}, 
     {{a, e, f}, {a, e, x}}, {{a, e, f}, {a, f, g}}, {{a, e, x}, {a, c, x}}, 
     {{a, e, x}, {a, e, f}}, {{a, e, x}, {c, e, x}}, {{a, f, g}, {f, g}}, 
     {{a, f, g}, {g, a}}, {{a, f, g}, {a, e, f}}, {{c, e, x}, {c, e}}, 
     {{c, e, x}, {a, c, x}}, {{c, e, x}, {a, e, x}}}

in which each element of G is an ordered pair {A,B}, where A and B are sets. I would like to convert the elements A and B into the numbers such as {a, c} -> 1, {c, e} -> 2, ..., {a, c, x} -> 10. I also need to change all of {c, e} in G into 2. How can I do this? I try to use Replace but it doesn't work.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ just curious: why is {a,c,x}->10? Maybe you could implement something smarter to replace (but I cannot see a pattern). Also, you should try to avoid single, capitalized letters as variable names (to avoid conflicts) $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 30, 2013 at 7:26

1 Answer 1


ReplaceRepeated is probably what you want. Something like:

G //. {{a, c} -> 1, {a, c, x} -> 2}

//. is the shortcut for this. ReplaceAll probably also works:

G /. {{a, c} -> 1, {a, c, x} -> 2}

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