Problem: Let A
and B
be lists of lists of integers. I wish to find every k
-element set, which is a subset of one of the lists in A
but not a subset of any of the lists in B
. In other words, given $A,B\subseteq2^V$, I wish to efficiently compute the set
\sigma\in\big(\bigcup_{a\in A}2^a\big)\setminus\big(\bigcup_{b\in B}2^b\big)\Big\}.$$
We can assume the lists in A
(and B
) are pairwise incomparable (otherwise we replace A
by its maximal elements via Carl Woll's answer), and their elements are non-repeating (otherwise we use DeleteDuplicates
Test Examples: In the code below, A
(resp. B
) consists of nA
(resp. nB
) randomly chosen subsets of an n
-element set, with the number of elements in the range rA
(resp. rB
n=30; V=Range@n; nA=30; nB=300; rA={25,27}; rB={23,26};
A= Join@@Subsets[V,rA,{#}]& /@ RandomInteger[{1,Sum[Binomial[n,i],{i,rA[[1]],rA[[2]]}]},nA];
B= Join@@Subsets[V,rB,{#}]& /@ RandomInteger[{1,Sum[Binomial[n,i],{i,rB[[1]],rB[[2]]}]},nB];
Note that B={}
is always an important case.
Inefficient Solutions:
subsets1[A_,B_,k_]:= Module[{X,Y}, X=ParallelCombine[DeleteDuplicates[Join@@Table[Subsets[s,{k}],{s,#}]]&,A,Union,Method->"CoarsestGrained"];
If[B=!={},Y=ParallelCombine[DeleteDuplicates[Join@@Table[Subsets[s,{k}],{s,#}]]&,B,Union,Method->"CoarsestGrained"]; X=Complement[X,Y]; ]; X];
subsets2[A_,B_,k_]:= Module[{X={},aB,Y}, Do[Y=Subsets[a,{k}]; If[B=!={},aB=Intersection[a,#]& /@B;
Y=Complement[Y,ParallelCombine[DeleteDuplicates[Join@@Table[Subsets[s,{k}],{s,#}]]&,aB,Union,Method->"CoarsestGrained"]]]; X=X\[Union]Y,{a,A}]; X];
Remark: There are several difficulties. (1) If $a\!\in\!A$ have large intersections, then first computing all $2^a$ and than taking their union (deleting duplicates) is wasting RAM. (2) If $a\!\in\!A$ are small but $b\!\in\!B$ are large, then computing $X\!=\!\bigcup_{a\in A}\!2^a$ and $Y\!=\!\bigcup_{b\in B}\!2^b$ and then $X\!\setminus\!Y$ is wasting RAM because of $Y$. (3) If $A$ is large but its elements are small, then doing $X\!=\!\{\}$ and $X=X\cup\big(2^a\!\setminus\!\big(\!\bigcup_{b\in B}\!2^{a\cap b}\big)\Big)\big)$ for all $a\!\in\!A$ is slow because of changing $X$ many times with $\cup$.
Motivation: This is useful in math. For instance, subsets[A,{},k]
are k
-faces of a simplicial complex with facets A
. Similarly, subsets[A,B,k]
are generators of the relative chain complex of a simplicial pair with facets A
and B