I am trying to solve those equations:
eqns =
-1796853 + 19321 x + 83018.53984692502` x (-8649 + x^2) +
39.56247732409712` x (-8649 + x^2)^2 +
0.005059047659697752` x (-8649 + x^2)^3 +
10.329634791516803` x ((1000 +
1.7850911998308758` y) Sqrt[-101.94940899999999` x^2 + \
(1000 + 1.7850911998308758` y)^2] -
101.94940899999999` x^2 Log[(
0.09903931860948798` (1000 + 1.7850911998308758` y +
Sqrt[-101.94940899999999` x^2 + (1000 +
1.7850911998308758` y)^2]))/x]) == 0 &&
611524 y +
0.1205783688509235` (-101.94940899999999` x^2 + (1000 +
1.7850911998308758` y)^2)^(3/2) == 0 // Simplify;
I have already used some conditions to avoid for negative values inside the Log function as indicated on another post How to solve this system with logarithms? but it did not work for my case:
cons =
And @@ Cases[eqns, Log[z_] :> z > 0, Infinity] //
Simplify[#, Element[{x, y}, Reals]] &
sol = NSolve[eqns && cons, {x, y}, Reals]
It just returns me the NSolve function without solving it.
Any help will be appreciated.
finds a small minimum butlogargument/.solution
is negative.NMinimize[{Abs[expr1]+Abs[expr2],logargument>0},{x,y}]
finds a huge minimum butlogargument/.solution
is positive. Is it possible there is no solution for positive logargument? $\endgroup$