I have two quite large notebooks with minimal differences. To compare them, I currently put them side by side and compare with my eyes, which feels quite inefficient. What are better ways to do this?
I have done some searching but only found questions from 8/9 years ago, they didn't work for me. In Mathmatica 12 I could not find a function like "Notebookdiff" and I also do not use Wolfram Workbench.
-Files in a text editor might be quite difficult. One possibility would be to export the two notebooks as.txt
which should work fine for input and output cells containing text. Comparing those files with a text editor might be an option depending on what kind of content is in the notebooks.The underlying problem here is the same one preventing versioning tools (git,...) from working efficiently/properly. $\endgroup$GitLink`NotebookDiff
but that package is not evolving too fast on GitHub. $\endgroup$