
I am dealing with things coded as a binary strings. We can think of these as binary expansions of angles on the circle.

Suppose I take something with a repeating binary expansion like $\frac{3}{7} = \overline{011}$. Is there a way to get Mathematica to give me the truncation of length $n$? So say I wanted the length 5 truncation of the above binary expansion, I would get back $01101$.

Is there also a way to get all shifts of the sequence and length $n$ truncations of these?

Example: Take $\overline{011}$ again. This has shifts $\overline{110}$ and $\overline{101}$. Then the level 5 truncations would be $11011$ and $10110$.

For the first part (again for the string $\overline{011}$) I thought about using StringJoin and some condition like "If $n \equiv 1 \text{ mod} \text{ Length}[``011"]$ then do StringJoin["011","0"], if $n \equiv 2 \text{ mod} \text{ Length}[``011"]$ then do StringJoin["011","01"] etc but this would need some sort of recursive element also, I think.

This seems quite messy and probably tricky to encode in general (especially if our strings get longer). Is there some better way to do this?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Look at "RealDigits" or if you only want the expansion at "BaseForm" $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 4, 2020 at 14:42

3 Answers 3


Assuming that you already converted the binary strings into lists of digits you could use


which for

{0, 1, 1}
truncations[%, 5]
truncations[#, 5] & /@ %

yields the desired results:

{0, 1, 1}
{0, 1, 1, 0, 1}
{{1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0}}
{{1, 0, 1, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 0, 1, 1}}

One possible Mathematica implementation based on Strings of the above is


which for

truncations[%, 5]
truncations[#, 5] & /@ %

yields the results:

{"101", "110"}
{"10110", "11011"}

The following function does not use strings, but takes a rational number and returns the required lists:

f[x_Rational, t_] := (
  a = Map[Take[Join @@ Table[#, t], t] &, 
    b = DeleteDuplicates[
      NestList[RotateLeft[#, 1] &, j = RealDigits[x, 2][[1, -1]], 
  If[Depth[j] != 2, Return["Non-repeating"]];
  Column[Partition[Riffle[b, a], 2]]



(* Non-repeating *)



You can use StringPadRight, StringRotateLeft and StringRotateRight as follows:

sPadRight = StringPadRight[##, #] &;

sPadRight["011", 7]
sPadRight[StringRotateLeft @ "011", 7]
sPadRight[StringRotateRight @ "011", 7]

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