
I am looking to have a program that can shift between a few different email accounts and am personally storing credentials. I noticed that:

    SendMail[<|"To" -> "***@***.***",
 "Subject" -> "SubjectForEmail",
  "Body" -> "SomeText", "From" -> "***@***.**", 
 "Server" -> "smtp.***.***", "UserName" -> "***@***.**", 
  "Password" -> "***", "PortNumber" -> 587, 
 "EncryptionProtocol" -> "StartTLS"|>]

Works great. However:

    SendMail[Join[<|"To" -> "***@***.***",
  "Subject" -> "SubjectForEmail",
  "Body" -> "SomeText", "From" -> "***@***.**", 
 "Server" -> "smtp.***.***", "UserName" -> "***@***.**", 
  "Password" -> "***", "PortNumber" -> 587, 
  "EncryptionProtocol" -> "StartTLS"|>]]

Fails every time and asks for me to sign in with a Wolfram account (obviously ignoring the parameters that it was given)



-> Association


-> Association

It's the same type and has the same contents. SendMail[] just doesn't like it after it is Join[]ed.

Have I missed something in the SendMail[] or Join[] documentation? Is this something special about Associations?

Any help is appreciated.


After goofing around with this, I figured out that SendMail[#]& @ Join[<|...|>] works for some reason. (Note: SendMail @ Join[<|...|>] does not work)

I'm not marking this as answered yet because I have absolutely no idea why this solution works and would appreciate any insight you might have.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What happens if you use Identity instead of Join ? What happens if you do SendMail[Evaluate[Join[...]]] ? $\endgroup$
    – flinty
    Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 20:20
  • $\begingroup$ No luck with Identity but SendMail[Evaluate[Join[...]]] seems to work. I think that solves it. I had no idea that SendMail[] might hold the evaluation. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 2:02

1 Answer 1


It seems that SendMail[...] holds the evaluation until later. To counteract this, use the pure function that I suggested in my post or use the solution proposed by flinty which is SendMail[Evaluate[Join[...]]]

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I suspected this much. It's a shame the documentation of SendMail doesn't seem to mention it anywhere. $\endgroup$
    – flinty
    Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 2:16

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