I have asked a question here. Yet I am trying to do the same procedure with AssociationThread
Suppose I have the following function which is a normal distribution:
σ = 4.75;
μ = 3.96;
f[x_] := 1/(σ*Sqrt[2 π]) Exp[-(1/2) ((x - μ)/σ)^2]
and I have the following list:
cases={2, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 30, 34, 37, 43, \
55, 59, 90, 129, 180, 229, 276, 349, 396, 446, 571, 794, 1152, 1572, \
1965, 2282, 2679, 3225, 3905, 4814, 5745, 6826, 7860, 9068, 11084, \
13106, 15368, 17975, 20633, 23005, 25443, 28956, 32719, 36802, 40814, \
44865, 48188, 51221, 55551, 60024, 64256, 68271, 71776, 74771, 77456, \
80762, 84179, 87782, 91219, 94644, 97217, 99301, 102374, 105368, \
108129, 110897, 113666, 115476, 116880, 119100, 121384, 123731, \
125852, 127804, 129042, 130001, 131623, 133233, 134671, 136117, \
137141, 138034, 138759, 140004, 141102, 142177, 143070, 143979, \
144612, 145249, 146191, 147209, 148030, 148778, 149483, 149937, \
150322, 150832, 151375, 151917, 152371, 152806, 153147, 153452, \
153900, 154379, 154821, 155135, 155457, 155666, 155872, 156171, \
156481, 156846, 157120, 157391, 157652, 157860, 158139, 158447, \
158735, 158982, 159217, 159367, 159486, 159687, 159891, 160059, \
160209, 160325, 160382, 160391, 160391}
Prob = Table[NIntegrate[f[x], {x, i, i + 1}], {i, 1, 141}];
α =
AssociationThread[Table[Subscript[t, i], {i, 1, 141}] -> cases];
β =
AssociationThread[Table[Subscript[c, i], {i, 1, 141}] -> cases];
γ =
AssociationThread[Table[Subscript[p, i], {i, 1, 141}] -> Prob];
I want to replace the values from alpha, beta and gamma accordingly into the following table:
Table[1/(Subscript[c, j] - (1 - θ) Subscript[t, j])
n] (Subscript[c, n] - (1 - θ) Subscript[t, n]), {n, 2,
141}], {j, 1, 140}]
I wonder how one can achieve this?