If I have the cubic equation, how can i find the real root of x ? I try this but i get complex root
Solve[b (q - 1)*(x^3) + (m - s)*(x^2) + (a - n)*x + v == 0, x]
where b,q,m,s,a,n,v are nonnative parameters
I apprciate for help
object. And why is there so many roots?
Reduce[Flatten[{b (q - 1)*(x^3) + (m - s)*(x^2) + (a - n)*x + v == 0, Map[# > 0 &, {b, q, m, s, a, n, v}]}], x, Reals]
Jun 27, 2020 at 16:24
Discriminant[cubic, x] >= 0
. $\endgroup$