My question essentially asks everything but I shall rephrase it to make certain it is well understood.
1. How to print all entries in rows of a column so that they align perfectly at the decimal point.
2. How to make 2-digit floating point precision for cents values (i.e. $1.98)?
3. If this cannot be done with TableForm can you suggest another option?
Here is my Mathematica code...
carValue :=
RecurrenceTable[{a[i] == a[i - 1] * 0.90, a[1] == 30000 ,
y[i] == i}, {y, a}, {i, 15}]
TableForm[carValue , TableHeadings -> {None, {"Year", "Car Price"}}]
Labeled[Select[carValue, #[[2]] < 8000 &, 1][[1,
1]], "Year when valued less than $8000:", Left]