I have two functions: One of which outputs a number and the other outputs a picture. What I would like to do is create a single function that would output both the number and the picture.
As a MWE take the following:
Tri = Triangle[{{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}}]
PictureTest[x_, y_, z_] :=
RegionPlot[x >= z*y && {x, y} ∈ Tri, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}]
MinTest[x_, y_, z_] := Minimize[{x, x >= y + z && {x, y} ∈ Tri}, {x, y}]
I would like to create a new function NewFunc[x_,y_] that gives as an output both PictureTest[x,y,z] and MinTest[x,y,z]. (Or even better if it added some words and gave PictureTest[x,y,z] and "the minimum is MinTest[x,y,z].")
(This might seem silly given the specific functions above. But I'm working with more complicated functions and z is in fact many variables. So, in practice, I'd like to input "z" once and get the answer to both PictureTest and MinText. I imagine the answer is in the Mathematica documentation, but I don't quite know what I am looking for. I'm not even sure if I'm using the correct tags.)