Bug report filed 14.01.2020 A support case was created with the ID [CASE:4371991]
It is easy to show that the workaround "limit of finite sum" proposed in the solution by user64494 leads to correct results for all cases shown here.
This points to a bug in Sum[...,{n,1,inf}]
Original post
A strange observation can be made looking at infinite sum over the difference between the harmonic number and some terms of its asymptotic series
a=Series[HarmonicNumber[n], {n, \[Infinity], 4}] // Normal
(* EulerGamma + Log[n] + 1/(2 n) - 1/(12 n^2) + 1/(120 n^4) *)
Consider the following expressions and system reactions
s1 = Sum[HarmonicNumber[n] - (EulerGamma + Log[n] + 1/(2 n)), {n,
1, \[Infinity]}]
(* 1/2 (1+EulerGamma-Log[2]-Log[\[Pi]]) *)
Ok, convergence to the correct value. Now we try to improve the approximation
s2 = Sum[HarmonicNumber[
n] - (EulerGamma + Log[n] + 1/(2 n) - 1/(12 n^2)), {n,
1, \[Infinity]}]
"Sum::div: "Sum does not converge. "
Strange: a better approximation leads to divergence of the sum
s3 = Sum[HarmonicNumber[
n] - (EulerGamma + Log[n] + 1/(2 n) - 1/(12 n^2) + 1/(
120 n^4)), {n, 1, \[Infinity]}]
"Sum::div: "Sum does not converge. "
Similarly, divergence to 4th second order.
s4 = Sum[HarmonicNumber[n] - (EulerGamma + Log[n] + 1/(2 n) - (0*1)/(12 n^2) + 1/(120 n^4)), {n, 1, \[Infinity]}]
(* 1/2+EulerGamma/2-\[Pi]^4/10800+1/2 (-Log[2]-Log[\[Pi]]) *)
Strange: taking the 4th order and dropping the 2nd order leads to convergence to the correct value
This is version 10.0. In 8.0 s4
is also divergent.