How can I tell mathematica to give me the symbolic derivative of the following sum $$ \frac{\partial^n}{\partial x^n}\sum_{j=0}^N\gamma_jx^j=\sum_{j=n}^N\frac{j!}{(j-n)!} \gamma_jx^{j-n} $$ I only get the left hand side with my simple but wrong code:
G=Sum[Subscript[\[Gamma], i]*(x)^i, {i, 0, N}]
Assuming[n <= N, D[G, {x, n}]
Quick followup question: How do I get $\gamma_nn!$ for x=0?
EDIT: Thanks to @BobHanlon for his answer! (I fixed the lower bound in the sum) However, I cannot get the rule interact, with say, standard product rule i.e.
D[Sum[expr_, {k_Symbol, kmin_, kmax_}], {x_, n_}] := Sum[D[expr, {x, n}], {k, kmin + n, kmax}];
D[x*Sum[Subscript[\[Gamma], i]*(x)^i, {i, 0, N}],{x,n}]
what's the issue here? Cheers!