Here is a variant of my chebInterpolation function for implementing piecewise Chebyshev interpolation.
(* Constructs a piecewise InterpolatingFunction,
* whose interpolating units are Chebyshev series *)
(* data0={{x0,x1},c1},..} *)
chebInterpolation[data0 : {{{_, _}, _List} ..}, {y0_, yp0_}] :=
Module[{data = Sort@data0, domain1, coeffs1, domain, grid, ngrid,
coeffs, order},
domain1 = data[[1, 1]];
coeffs1 = data[[1, 2]];
domain = List @@ Interval @@ data[[All, 1]];
grid = Union @@ data[[All, 1]];
ngrid = Length@grid;
coeffs = data[[All, 2]];
order = Length[coeffs[[1]]] - 1;
{5, 1, order, {ngrid}, {order}, 0, 0, 0, 0, Automatic, {}, {},
{{y0, yp0}}~Join~coeffs,
{{{{1}}~Join~Partition[Range@ngrid, 2, 1]~
Join~{{ngrid - 1, ngrid}}, {Automatic}~Join~
ConstantArray[ChebyshevT, ngrid]}}
] /; Length[domain] == 1 && ArrayQ@coeffs];
Nx = 64; u0 = 0; uN = 5.0`100; du = (uN - u0)/Nx;
ugrid = Rescale[Sin[Pi/2 Range[-Nx, Nx, 2]/Nx], {-1, 1}, {u0, uN}];
C0 = Exp[-(# - uN/2)^2/2] &@ugrid;
dC0 = Evaluate@D[Exp[-(# - uN/2)^2/2], #] &@First@ugrid;
cc = Sqrt[2/Nx] FourierDCT[C0, 1];
cc[[{1, -1}]] /= 2;
C0Poly = chebInterpolation[N@{{{u0, uN}, cc}}, N@{First@C0, dC0}];
Plot of the 7th derivative:
Plot[{D[Exp[-(x - uN/2)^2/2], {x, 7}], D[C0Poly[x], {x, 7}]} //
Evaluate, {x, u0, uN},
PlotStyle -> {AbsoluteThickness[4], AbsoluteThickness[1.6]}]
Log relative error of the 7th derivative:
Plot[{(D[C0Poly[x], {x, 7}] - D[Exp[-(x - uN/2)^2/2], {x, 7}])/
Abs@D[Exp[-(x - uN/2)^2/2], {x, 7}]} // RealExponent //
Evaluate, {x, u0, uN}]
? To plot derivative I would usePlot[D[C0Poly[\[FormalX]], {\[FormalX], 7}] /. \[FormalX] -> x, {x, 0, Lx}]
. In help page onInterpolationOrder
->Possibe issues it is written that "Very high-order interpolation can lead to large errors". $\endgroup$Method->"Spline"
. Sometimes the default"Hermite"
has issues, esp. with derivatives. $\endgroup$