Update 2: Another attempt:
pos[{t1, t2, ...}, {u, v}]
gives the starting position {x, y}
that connects to the final position {u, v}
if we follow the angle path {t1, t2, ...}
. For a non-sink vertex v
the path of angles is found by replacing the vertices on the shortest path from v
to 1
with ϕ + θ
or ϕ - θ
depending on parity.
ClearAll[pos, angleList, vcoord]
pos[t:{__}, {u_, v_}] := {u, v} - Total[Through @ {Cos, Sin} @ Accumulate[t], {2}]
angleList[g_, v_, ϕ_, t_] := ϕ + Most[FindShortestPath[g, v, 1]] /.
{u_?EvenQ -> t, u_?OddQ -> - t}
vcoord[g_, v_, ϕ_, t_, pos1_: {0, 0}] := pos[angleList[g, v, ϕ, t], pos1]
vk = 20;
edges = (DirectedEdge @@@ Partition[Collatz[#], 2, 1]) & /@ Range[vk] // Flatten // Union;
g = Graph[edges];
ϕ = 0;
θ = Pi/32;
VertexCoordinates -> {1 -> {0, 0}, v_ :> vcoord[g, v, ϕ, θ]},
ImagePadding -> 20, EdgeStyle -> Arrowheads[Small],
VertexShapeFunction -> "Name", AspectRatio -> 2,
ImageSize -> 500]
With vk = 500
VertexCoordinates -> {1 -> {0, 0}, v_ :> vcoord[g, v, ϕ, θ]},
ImagePadding -> 20, EdgeStyle -> Arrowheads[Tiny],
VertexShapeFunction ->None, AspectRatio -> 2, ImageSize -> 500]
VertexCoordinates -> {1 -> {0, 0}, v_ :> vcoord[g, v, ϕ, 2 θ]}
With vk = 600
and adding the options
EdgeShapeFunction -> "CurvedArc",
EdgeStyle -> {e_ :> Directive[RandomColor[], AbsoluteThickness[5], CapForm["Round"]]
Update: -- this is not quite correct --- (1) Reverse the edges in Collatz tree, (2) use DepthFirstScan
get an ordered list of vertices, (3) split the list at branch points, (4) assign θ
or -θ
to each element of the list based on its parity, (5) Fold
on the resulting list of lists:
Options[anglePath] := {VertexLabels -> False, InitialCoords -> {{0, 0}, 0}};
anglePath[g_, θ_, opts : OptionsPattern[{anglePath, Graphics}]] :=
Module[{pieces = Split[Flatten @ Reap[DepthFirstScan[g, 1,
{"PrevisitVertex" -> (If[Length @ VertexOutComponent[g, #, 1] == 3,
Sow[{#, #}], Sow[#]] &)} ]][[2, 1]], Unequal], angles, path},
angles = θ ( Mod[pieces, 2] + 1 /. 2 -> -1);
path = Join @@ Rest[FoldList[AnglePath[Last[#], Rest@#2] &,
{OptionValue[InitialCoords]}, angles]];
Graphics[{Red, Point @ path, Black,
OptionValue[VertexLabels] /.
{True -> MapThread[Text[Style[#, 14], #2] &, {Join @@ pieces, path} ], _ -> {}},
Blue, Line@ path}, FilterRules[{opts}, Options[Graphics]]]]
vk = 20;
edges = (DirectedEdge @@@ Partition[Collatz[#], 2, 1]) & /@ Range[vk] //
Flatten // Union;
g = Graph[Reverse /@ edges];
anglePath[g, Pi/5, VertexLabels -> True, ImageSize -> 400, ImagePadding -> 10]
vk = 500;
edges = (DirectedEdge @@@ Partition[Collatz[#], 2, 1]) & /@
Range[vk] // Flatten // Union;
g = Graph[Reverse /@ edges];
anglePath[g, Pi/2, BaseStyle -> PointSize[Tiny], ImageSize -> 500,
ImagePadding -> 10]
With vk = 3000
anglePath[g, 2 Pi/5, BaseStyle -> PointSize[Tiny], ImageSize -> 700,
ImagePadding -> 10]
Original answer:
Using this answer by Sjoerd C. de Vries to construct a Collatz sequence:
Collatz[1] := {1}
Collatz[n_Integer] := Prepend[Collatz[3 n + 1], n] /; OddQ[n] && n > 0
Collatz[n_Integer] := Prepend[Collatz[n/2], n] /; EvenQ[n] && n > 0
vk = 15;
edges = (DirectedEdge @@@ Partition[Collatz[#], 2, 1]) & /@ Range[vk] // Flatten // Union;
g = Graph[edges,
GraphLayout -> {"LayeredDigraphDrawing", "Orientation" -> Top},
ImagePadding -> 10, EdgeStyle -> Arrowheads[Small],
VertexShapeFunction -> "Name", AspectRatio -> 2, ImageSize -> 300];
We take the vertical component of a vertex as its distance to the sink vertex and the vertical distance between layers as 1
. So instead of working with angles we can work with horizontal displacements from 0
as input to the vertex layout process.
vc[g_, Δ_] := First[#] -> {Δ If[EvenQ @ First @ #, 1, -1] + Δ (Count[Rest @ #, _?EvenQ] -
Count[Rest @ #, _OddQ]), Length @ #} & /@ (VertexOutComponent[g, #] & /@ VertexList[g])
g2 = Graph[edges, VertexCoordinates -> vc[g, 1/4],
ImagePadding -> 10, EdgeStyle -> Arrowheads[Small],
VertexShapeFunction -> "Name", ImageSize -> 300, AspectRatio -> 2];
Row[{g, g2}, Spacer[10]]
Note: For larger vk
(e.g., vk = 20
) some vertices will overlap.