I asked here for a solution how single video images can be extracted very fast from avi files.
Piotr Wendykier gave a solution for Mathematica 11.3.
Now I'm using Mathematica 12 and his solution does not work anymore.
i = MediaTools`Private`$MFReadNextFrame[]
does not read an image out of the video as in version 11.3?
In[1]:= file =
Panasonic_HDC_TM_700_P_50i.avi", "c:\\tmp\\sample.avi"]
Out[1]= "c:\\tmp\\sample.avi"
In[2]:= Needs["MediaTools`"]
In[3]:= MediaTools`Private`$MFInitReader[file]
Out[3]= MediaTools`Private`$MFInitReader["c:\\tmp\\sample.avi"]
In[4]:= AbsoluteTiming[i = MediaTools`Private`$MFReadNextFrame[];]
Out[4]= {1.9*10^-6, Null}
In[5]:= MediaTools`Private`$MFFinalizeReader[]
Out[5]= MediaTools`Private`$MFFinalizeReader[]
In[6]:= ImageDimensions[i]
During evaluation of In[6]:= ImageDimensions::imginv: Expecting an image or graphics instead of MediaTools`Private`$MFReadNextFrame[].
Out[6]= ImageDimensions[MediaTools`Private`$MFReadNextFrame[]]