I have the following list which is built up of associations, that is,
z = {<|{"a", "b"} -> 1, {"c", "d"} -> 2, {"e", "f"} ->
3|>, <|{"g", "h"} -> 4, {"i", "j"} -> 5|>, <|{"k", "l"} ->
6, {"m", "n"} -> 7, {"o", "p"} -> 8, {"q", "r"} ->
9|>, <|{"s", "t"} -> 10|>}
I am trying to to pick the first elements in each association such that it gives:
{<|{"a", "b"} -> 1|>, <|{"g", "h"} -> 4|>, <|{"k", "l"} ->
6|>, <|{"s", "t"} -> 10|>}
to do that I do,
Map[First, z]
but this only returns the values, how can one fix this?