
Bug introduced in 5.2 or earlier and persisting through 12.0.0

Why ArcTan[1, 0. I ] yields -1.5708+0. I ? The result should equal to 0.

enter image description here

Is this a bug?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ it does look like a bug. For a work around use exact zero ArcTan[1, 0*I] instead of non-exact zero ArcTan[1, 0.*I] $\endgroup$
    – Nasser
    Commented Aug 24, 2019 at 5:30
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Nasser The original expression I calculated is like ArcTan[1, p q], where p is a MachinePrecision complex number and q is a real number. Let q be 0, it yeilds -1.5708+0. I, but it should be 0. And then I found this is because the result of ArcTan[1, 0. I ] is -1.5708+0. I during the calculation. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 24, 2019 at 10:20
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @xzczd I have tried to plot Re[ArcTan[1, (x + I y)]] and Im[ArcTan[1, (x + I y)]] in xy plane, and there is no branch cut near x=0 and y=0. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 24, 2019 at 10:24
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ (1) The docs "define" ArcTan[x,y] in terms of quadrants, implying real arguments, but also give a formula valid for complex numbers, -I Log[(x + I y)/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]]. (2) The MKL seems to define atan2 only for reals. So maybe WRI botched the implementation. The second argument 0. I seems to be a special case, since any small nonzero number yields a correct value. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Aug 24, 2019 at 10:40
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I added the bugs tag. There seems to be consensus (at least no dissent). Please report it to Wolfram Research. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Aug 25, 2019 at 14:53

1 Answer 1


It looks like a bug.


ArcTan[1, p q + $MinMachineNumber * I]

will be acceptable. The little noise is unlikely to be a numerical problem. The main pitfall is when p q == -$MinMachineNumber * I, which drops you back into the buggy case.

ArcTan[1. + 0. I, $MinMachineNumber*I]
(*  0. + 0. I  *)

Update: Runtime environments for existing code

You can overload ArcTan with code like this:

 ArcTan[x_, y_] := func[x, y];
 ArcTan[1., 0. I]

There are several issues with doing this, and the simplest thing to do is to understand your particular use-case and choose an appropriate compromise.

For instance, here is one possibility:

SetAttributes[runWithNewArcTan, HoldAll];
runWithNewArcTan[code_] :=

   (* keeps packed arrays from being unpacked *)
   ClearAttributes[ArcTan, Listable];

   (* makes all ArcTan[x,y] results Complex;
    * vectorized formula means it still works on lists
    * however, the formula can have rounding errors when y == 0
    * of around $MachineEpsilon in magnitude *)
   ArcTan[x_, y_] /; ! FreeQ[{x, y}, _Complex] :=
     -I Log[(x + I y)/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]];


   (* run code *)

Here is another:

SetAttributes[runWithNewArcTan, HoldAll];
runWithNewArcTan[code_] :=
   (* keeping Listable attribute means packed arrays will be unpacked *)

   (* fix just the buggy values; the patterns tests are not
    * vectorized, so the Listable attribute will unpack packed arrays
    * even when neither definition below is used. *)
   ArcTan[x_, y_] /; 
     Precision[{x, y}] === MachinePrecision && 
       ! FreeQ[{x, y}, _Complex] && Positive[x] && y == 0 := 0. + 0. I;
   ArcTan[x_, y_] /; 
     Precision[{x, y}] === MachinePrecision && 
       ! FreeQ[{x, y}, _Complex] && Negative[x] && y == 0 := Pi + 0. I;

   (* run code *)

The last one would work well in code that does not use packed arrays. I haven't thought of a simple way that would work exactly like ArcTan[x, y] but fix the bug.


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