I have a symbolic tridiagonal matrix of this form
a = 0;
c = 0.25;
sa1[b_] :=SparseArray[{Band[{1, 1}] -> a,
Band[{2, 1}, {2 l, 2 l}] -> {I b/4, I c},
Band[{1, 2}, {2 l, 2 l}] -> {-I b/4, -I c}}, {2 l, 2 l}];
where a and c are fixed parameters, b>0 is a varying parameter and l is the rank of the matrix. By diagonalizing this matrix as a function of b, I can obtain the largest value for b, let's say bmax, such that the absolute value of the eigenvalues is less than 1/10^5. Note that the eignevalues always appear in pairs by symmetry. To find bmax, I have employed the Arnoldi method which has been employed also in this thread
closestEVtotarget[b_?NumericQ, target_?NumericQ] :=
Eigenvalues[sa1[N[b]], -1,
Method -> {"Arnoldi", "Criteria" -> "Magnitude",
"Shift" -> target}]];
With[{target = 1/10^5},
Plot[closestEVtotarget[b, target], {b, 0, 0.5},
GridLines -> {None, {target}}]];
With[{target = 1/10^5},
plot = Plot[{target, closestEVtotarget[b, target]}, {b, 0, 2}];
bmaxval = Graphics`Mesh`FindIntersections[plot]];
For instance for l=6, printing the bmaxval would be
where bmax=0.185999. Now the question is how I can collect all bmax values for different even values of l, let's say
llist = {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26};
and plot l vs. bmax?