Here is a simple example that hopefully can get you started.
For simplicity, we use the names that up to 25 characters and only contains the alphabet.
allCompanyNames =
Select[CompanyData[#, "Name"] & /@ CompanyData[], StringQ];
vocabulary = Alphabet[]~Join~ToUpperCase[Alphabet[]]~Join~{" "};
maxLen = 25;
companyNames = With[{
extraVoc =
Complement[Flatten[Characters /@ allCompanyNames], vocabulary]
StringLength[#] <= 25 && StringFreeQ[#, extraVoc] &]
We will use "." as the end token and pad all names to the same length
charLen = maxLen + 1;
companyNamesPadded =
StringPadRight[#, charLen, "."] & /@ companyNames;
vocLen = Length[vocabulary] + 1;
This are what the padded names look like
RandomSample[companyNamesPadded, 3]
(*{"Azot PJSC.................", "Vinnytsyamyaso............", "Macofil..................."}*)
Now define the generator and the discriminator. To make it simple, we only use linear layers.
discriminator =
NetChain[{LinearLayer[256, "Input" -> {charLen, vocLen}],
ElementwiseLayer["SELU"], DropoutLayer[0.4], LinearLayer[128],
ElementwiseLayer["SELU"], DropoutLayer[0.4], LinearLayer[{}],
LogisticSigmoid}, "Input" -> {charLen, vocLen}]
latenLen = 100;
generator = NetFlatten@NetChain[{
LinearLayer[{charLen, 512}], ElementwiseLayer["SELU"],
DropoutLayer[0.3], LinearLayer[{charLen, 256}],
ElementwiseLayer["SELU"], DropoutLayer[0.3],
LinearLayer[{charLen, 128}], ElementwiseLayer["SELU"],
LinearLayer[{charLen, vocLen}], ElementwiseLayer["SELU"],
}, "Input" -> latenLen]
Define a data generator that yields random seeds and sampled names.
getRandomLatent[batchSize_] :=
Map[NumericArray[#, "Real32"] &,
RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[], {batchSize, latenLen}]]
datagen =
"Sample" ->
NetEncoder[{"Characters", {vocabulary, "."}}][
RandomSample[companyNamesPadded, #BatchSize]]],
"Latent" -> getRandomLatent[#BatchSize]|>];
Train the network
trained = NetTrain[NetGANOperator[{generator, discriminator}],
{datagen, "RoundLength" -> Length[companyNamesPadded]},
TrainingUpdateSchedule -> {"Discriminator", "Generator"},
MaxTrainingRounds -> 60, TargetDevice -> "GPU", BatchSize -> 512
Extract the generator
trainedgen = NetExtract[trained, "Generator"]
dec = NetDecoder[{"Characters", {vocabulary, "."}}]
Generate names by sampling the latent space
dec@trainedgen[RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[], latenLen]],
"."], {10}]
(*{"Lokeirrle", "Lracian", "Lofcia", "Meritian", "Siriar", "Palteo", "Garirlso ", "Loepia", "Lraedm a", "Demiiiaa"}*)