
Can anyone suggest a method of speeding up the evaluation of the following Fourier transform?

FourierTransform[UnitStep[t] Exp[-t/τ] Cos[(m t + ω0 ) t], t, ω]

I'm surprised by the amount of time this takes to evaluate, I have added in a linear chirp to the frequency so the variable $t$ in the argument of the $\cos$ now enters quadratically; so I suppose this is the culprit.

This takes quite some time to evaluate and when it does I am left with

    (1/(24 (m^2)^(7/4) Sqrt[
 2 π] τ^3))(6 m (m^2)^(
   3/4) τ^2 (I + τ ω - τ ω0) \
HypergeometricPFQ[{1}, {3/4, 5/
     4}, -((I + τ ω - τ ω0)^4/(
     64 m^2 τ^4))] - 
  6 m (m^2)^(
   3/4) τ^2 (I + τ ω + τ ω0) \
HypergeometricPFQ[{1}, {3/4, 5/
     4}, -((I + τ ω + τ ω0)^4/(
     64 m^2 τ^4))] + 
  I (m^2)^(3/
    4) (I + τ ω - τ ω0)^3 \
HypergeometricPFQ[{1}, {5/4, 7/
     4}, -((I + τ ω - τ ω0)^4/(
     64 m^2 τ^4))] + 
  I (m^2)^(3/
    4) (I + τ ω + τ ω0)^3 \
HypergeometricPFQ[{1}, {5/4, 7/
     4}, -((I + τ ω + τ ω0)^4/(
     64 m^2 τ^4))] + 
  3 (-I m^3 + (m^2)^(3/2)) Sqrt[
   2 π] τ^3 (Cos[(I + τ ω - τ ω0)^2/(
      4 m τ^2)] + 
     I Sin[(I + τ ω - τ ω0)^2/(
       4 m τ^2)]) + 
  3 (I m^3 + (m^2)^(3/2)) Sqrt[
   2 π] τ^3 (Cos[(I + τ ω + τ ω0)^2/(
      4 m τ^2)] - 
     I Sin[(I + τ ω + τ ω0)^2/(
       4 m τ^2)]))

This I wouldn't mind, but I don't know how to deal with the HypergeometricPFQ in the answers.

My goal is to eventually have a lovely peak-like lineshape at the end I can play with.

By adding some assumptions I can get something a little nicer

FT1 = FourierTransform[UnitStep[t] Exp[-t/τ] Cos[(m t + ω0 ) t], t, ω, Assumptions-> t > 0 && τ > 0 && ω > 0 && ω0 > 0]

However when I take the absolute value using ComplexExpand[Abs[FT1]]

I get a similarly as ugly

        Cos[(-1 + (τ ω - τ ω0)^2)/(
        4 m τ^2)] Cos[
        1/2 Arg[I m]] Cosh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
        2 m τ^2)])/(2 Sqrt[2] m)) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cos[(-1 + (τ ω + τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Cosh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(4 m) - (
     Cosh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)] Sin[(-1 + (τ ω + τ \
ω0)^2)/(4 m τ^2)])/(
     4 (m^2)^(1/4)) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cosh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)] Sin[(-1 + (τ ω - τ \
ω0)^2)/(4 m τ^2)] Sin[1/2 Arg[I m]])/(
     2 Sqrt[2] m) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cos[(-1 + (τ ω - τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Cos[
       1/2 Arg[I m]] Sinh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(
     2 Sqrt[2] m) - ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Sin[(-1 + (τ ω - τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Sin[
       1/2 Arg[I m]] Sinh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(
     2 Sqrt[2] m) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cos[(-1 + (τ ω + τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Sinh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(4 m) - (
     Sin[(-1 + (τ ω + τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Sinh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(4 (m^2)^(1/4)))^2 + ((
     Cos[(-1 + (τ ω + τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Cosh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(
     4 (m^2)^(1/4)) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cos[1/2 Arg[I m]] Cosh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)] Sin[(-1 + (τ ω - τ \
ω0)^2)/(4 m τ^2)])/(
     2 Sqrt[2] m) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cosh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)] Sin[(-1 + (τ ω + τ \
ω0)^2)/(4 m τ^2)])/(
     4 m) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cos[(-1 + (τ ω - τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Cosh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)] Sin[1/2 Arg[I m]])/(
     2 Sqrt[2] m) - ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cos[1/2 Arg[
         I m]] Sin[(-1 + (τ ω - τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Sinh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(
     2 Sqrt[2] m) - ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Cos[(-1 + (τ ω - τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Sin[
       1/2 Arg[I m]] Sinh[(τ ω - τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(2 Sqrt[2] m) + (
     Cos[(-1 + (τ ω + τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Sinh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(
     4 (m^2)^(1/4)) + ((m^2)^(1/4)
       Sin[(-1 + (τ ω + τ ω0)^2)/(
       4 m τ^2)] Sinh[(τ ω + τ ω0)/(
       2 m τ^2)])/(4 m))^2)

Seeing as I am posting a bounty on this question I think it is prudent to state what I am looking for. I am looking for a way to perform Fourier transforms of this form, what would be helpful is not only an answer to this problem, but also a more general guide when dealing with complicated time transients that one wants to transform. This is a damped wave with a linear frequency chirp, which is well understood.

I'd like to be able to figure out how I can get Mathematica to perform such computations so I can play around a look at my resultant line-shapes.

  • $\begingroup$ I've added some additional working to help constrain the problem. $\endgroup$
    – user27119
    Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 14:43
  • $\begingroup$ For $m=1$ Maple 2019.1 performs a simpler result in terms of the erf function. $\endgroup$
    – user64494
    Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 15:12
  • $\begingroup$ @user64494 thanks. Unfortunately I don't have Maple! $\endgroup$
    – user27119
    Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 15:13
  • $\begingroup$ May present the Maple result through Dropbox on demand. $\endgroup$
    – user64494
    Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 15:39
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Here dropbox.com/s/8m89hyzmf05uddg/FT.pdf?dl=0 it is. It should be noticed that the definition of Fourier transform in Maple (see maplesoft.com/support/help/Maple/view.aspx?path=examples/… ) differs from the Mathematica one by a constant multiplier. $\endgroup$
    – user64494
    Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 16:13

3 Answers 3


The explicit integral doesn't take long and is quite simple (compared to what you have):

Assuming[τ > 0 && m > 0 && Element[ω0, Reals] && Element[ω, Reals],
  1/Sqrt[2 π] Integrate[Exp[-t/τ] Cos[(m t + ω0) t] E^(I ω t),
  {t, 0, ∞}] // FullSimplify]

$$ \frac{(-1)^{1/4} \left(e^{\frac{2 \tau \omega +i}{2 m \tau ^2}} \left(1+\text{erf}\left(\frac{(-1)^{3/4} (\tau (\omega +\omega_0)+i)}{2 \sqrt{m} \tau }\right)\right)-i e^{\frac{i \left(\omega ^2+\omega_0^2\right)}{2 m}} \left(1+\text{erf}\left(\frac{(-1)^{1/4} (\tau (\omega -\omega_0)+i)}{2 \sqrt{m} \tau }\right)\right)\right) \exp \left(-\frac{i \tau ^2 (\omega +\omega_0)^2+2 \tau (\omega -\omega_0)+i}{4 m \tau ^2}\right)}{4 \sqrt{2m}} $$

In case it's not correct to assume $m>0$ as I did, then you can replace that assumption by $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and get a slightly different answer.

Make a plot:

With[{ω0 = 1, τ = 100, m = 0.001},
  Plot[Abs[((-1)^(1/4) E^(-((I + 2 τ (ω - ω0) + I τ^2 (ω + ω0)^2)/(4 m τ^2))) (-I E^((I (ω^2 + ω0^2))/(2 m)) (1 + Erf[((-1)^(1/4) (I + τ (ω - ω0)))/(2 Sqrt[m] τ)]) + E^((I + 2 τ ω)/(2 m τ^2)) (1 + Erf[((-1)^(3/4) (I + τ (ω + ω0)))/(2 Sqrt[m] τ)])))/(4 Sqrt[2] Sqrt[m])]^2,
    {ω, 0, 2}, PlotRange -> All]]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ really thanks a lot for this. One additional question, if I further complicate this integral by adding say a Hanning Window, do you have any hint as to how to make this execute more efficiently? I'm playing with your example and adding HannWindow[t] significantly increases computation time. At the time of writng it is still running... $\endgroup$
    – user27119
    Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 19:11
  • $\begingroup$ Usually you would convolve with a window function, which would be a multiplication in Fourier space: just multiply the already found Fourier transform with the Fourier transform of the Hann function. Or did I misunderstand and you want to use the Hann function in time instead of the UnitStep[t] factor in the original problem? $\endgroup$
    – Roman
    Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 20:41
  • $\begingroup$ For a Hann window of duration $\tau$, maybe this could work: Assuming[τ > 0 && m > 0 && ω0 > 0, 1/Sqrt[2 π] Integrate[Sin[(π t)/τ]^2 Cos[(m t + ω0) t] E^(I ω t), {t, 0, τ}]]. Maybe add a FullSimplify inside the Assuming if you can bear the slowness. $\endgroup$
    – Roman
    Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 22:22
  • $\begingroup$ I'm trying to get a line shape analytically, that resembles the FFT of some data. And as I understand it the windows should always be multiplied in, in the time domain. So yeah a straight swap of UnitStep. I only ever add unit step, as I usually use FourierTransform rather than the direct integration, as without UnitStep FourierTransform returns strange results even for simple transforms. $\endgroup$
    – user27119
    Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 8:43

What version of Mathematica were you using? Using MMA Version 11.2.0 for Linux I get, using

 ft=FourierTransform[UnitStep[t] Exp[-t/\[Tau]] Cos[(m t + \[Omega]0) t], t, \[Omega]] ,

the result

 (((1 + I*Erfi[(I + \[Tau]*\[Omega] - \[Tau]*\[Omega]0)/(2*Sqrt[I*m]*\[Tau])])*(Cos[(I + \[Tau]*\[Omega] - \[Tau]*\[Omega]0)^2/(4*m*\[Tau]^2)] + I*Sin[(I + \[Tau]*\[Omega] - \[Tau]*\[Omega]0)^2/(4*m*\[Tau]^2)]))/Sqrt[I*m] + ((1 + Erf[(m*(I + \[Tau]*\[Omega] + \[Tau]*\[Omega]0))/(2*((-I)*m)^(3/2)*\[Tau])])*(Cos[(I + \[Tau]*\[Omega] + \[Tau]*\[Omega]0)^2/(4*m*\[Tau]^2)] - I*Sin[(I + \[Tau]*\[Omega] + \[Tau]*\[Omega]0)^2/(4*m*\[Tau]^2)]))/Sqrt[(-I)*m])/(4*Sqrt[2])

which, displayed in TeXForm, is $\frac{\frac{\left(1+\text{erf}\left(\frac{m (\tau \omega +\tau \text{$\omega $0}+i)}{2 (-i m)^{3/2} \tau }\right)\right) \left(\cos \left(\frac{(\tau \omega +\tau \text{$\omega $0}+i)^2}{4 m \tau ^2}\right)-i \sin \left(\frac{(\tau \omega +\tau \text{$\omega $0}+i)^2}{4 m \tau ^2}\right)\right)}{\sqrt{-i m}}+\frac{\left(1+i \text{erfi}\left(\frac{\tau \omega -\tau \text{$\omega $0}+i}{2 \sqrt{i m} \tau }\right)\right) \left(i \sin \left(\frac{(\tau \omega -\tau \text{$\omega $0}+i)^2}{4 m \tau ^2}\right)+\cos \left(\frac{(\tau \omega -\tau \text{$\omega $0}+i)^2}{4 m \tau ^2}\right)\right)}{\sqrt{i m}}}{4 \sqrt{2}}$.

I'm not sure what a sensible range of parameters is, but I tried a plotting a few cases, e.g., Plot[Abs[ft/.{m->2,\[Tau]->4/3,\[Omega]0->1/5}],{\[Omega],-20,20}], and obtained, I guess, plausible looking results. (But forgot how to include graphics here.)

  • $\begingroup$ Interesting, I'm using Mathematica 11.0....Perhaps time for an upgrade! $\endgroup$
    – user27119
    Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 20:15
  • $\begingroup$ Can't reproduce it in version 12.0 on Windows 10 32-bit. I obtain the same result as in the question. $\endgroup$
    – user64494
    Commented Jul 26, 2019 at 3:56
  • $\begingroup$ @user64494 Does it agree with your Maple results? Now, I don’t have Maple, nor have I installed MMA version 12. $\endgroup$
    – user15994
    Commented Jul 26, 2019 at 4:02
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @QuantumPenguin if you only care about additional stuff like this, the online version of Mathematica (in the Wolfram Cloud) can do stuff like this and doesn't cost you anything more. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 17:21

Using MMA Version 12.0 for Windows I get:

FT1 = Assuming[{m > 0, τ > 0, ω0 > 0}, FourierTransform[
UnitStep[t] Exp[-t/τ] Cos[(m t + ω0) t], t, ω]] // FullSimplify;
ComplexExpand[Abs[FT1], TargetFunctions -> {Abs, Arg}] // FullSimplify

(* ((E^((2 (ω + ω0))/(m τ)))^(1/4)
Abs[1 + Erf[((-1)^(3/4) (I + τ (ω + ω0)))/(
2 Sqrt[m] τ)] - 
I E^((I ((I + τ ω)^2/τ^2 + ω0^2))/(2 m))
 Erfc[-(((-1)^(1/4) (I + τ (ω - ω0)))/(
  2 Sqrt[m] τ))]])/(4 Sqrt[2] (m^2)^(1/4)) *)

which, displayed in TeXForm, is:

$$\frac{\sqrt[4]{e^{\frac{2 (\omega +\text{$\omega $0})}{m \tau }}} \left|\text{erf}\left(\frac{(-1)^{3/4} (\tau (\omega +\text{$\omega $0})+i)}{2 \sqrt{m} \tau }\right)-i e^{\frac{i \left(\frac{(\tau \omega +i)^2}{\tau ^2}+\text{$\omega $0}^2\right)}{2 m}} \text{erfc}\left(-\frac{\sqrt[4]{-1} (\tau (\omega -\text{$\omega $0})+i)}{2 \sqrt{m} \tau }\right)+1\right|}{4 \sqrt{2} \sqrt[4]{m^2}}$$


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